The Herald Statesman from Yonkers, New York (2024)

tr-wrm-w i ivr-r-pr 1 "'rrrr V- bfr-. THE HERALD STATESMAN, YONKERS, MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1971 mmr. ran Rp Delpit 1 1 -v Douglass alto failed to make par oa thehole it teamed to renew HeanTs confidence. "That't right, he confirmed. "When Dale hogled too, ft pepped me up.

I pulled myself Even though I hogled the 12th and Dale doted within two thota, I feb confident "However, with guyt like Douglass, Bob grown up In the privacy of Visalia, California. De yea reaUta youre prebebiy the only reporter here who knewt where VbaBab, he deadpattei. "Thereat ef theee geyt preW ably think Vkaha la a baft ar vegetable. Of fauna, ayr te new, aoneef them hat ever had te worry about SportM Editor, Murphy, Palmer the real of Frequently. leader of a tournament than charing you; you can never fed too llriena to the crowd or witches' the hoard to confident rve led tournaments before and tee what hit neareat competitor la doing, r.

AKEON, OHIO Finally, Jerry Hcirdtu 'been heard hit brief years on the pro tour, the 24-year old Qdifanilsh has made hi hare of dough; but nfevfcr had he won a PGA tournament. he. won Ms first. Semite stgger- have to look that far, When two on the 12th hide theyve come on to leave me In dnat THE THING IS, Ive been playing good Jerry vdldnt Douglaaa crept of the keys tirSundayp Heard consistent that'sone watched It happen. per- winnlng on the tour.

don't necesiarily mean Its the key to winning tournaments, but it's aure In hell the kiey to winning money. "It doesnt do you any good to shoot an opening round 46 If you blow to a 75 or 78 the day. I was lucky to get nway with the 74 lng In with a 74 (275) he. hung on to win the American Golf Classic and 130,000 at the Flre-atone Country Club here. Having known Jerry for almaet nine yeara, and having attended the aameeaDege It waa worth a trip to na uat to aee him take hla heat shot at winning spiratlou dripped quietly, down his shirt ind sweat Beads formed on his forehead.

IT WAS THE TIME a lot of people figured Jerry, would He had wilted la other toumamenta he had not this time. i. Jerry clawed for a par A on the 13th, and It ywar Douglass wbb collapsed under the weight of the monkey on his back, double-bogeying. School was out right then. Off hla eae tounuuneaivlctery Jeny Heard Is ast a' tfaieat to causa NlcUaut, Palmer at Itovbe any anxiety, i 'y However, after yesterday yea cu be saw Mg boys have Heard af him.

I shot today. It Isn't often you can have that 'badiTrouad krthefinalandsflllwiitTL' Maybe was lust due. This one's been a long time comlng, jerry. Baud stlU looks more likes college kid than a tegular on the coast to coast me circuit He has a quick smile, a dimple in the right place, and boyish features. He lt primarily a country boy, having At Count Center 'Thia la a Jnneat feeling, aald Heard "I llke.

rve arrived. know almost let it slip away, but dont think it wks the pres sure. -It wu Just that wanted to win ao baefly. Of course, "there la tome pressure, he The tenrioa was built-in and Jerry couldnt escape. He led this tournament from the opening round when he sizzled home In 46, the same as Mike HiQ.

But he kept coning. He was the halfway leader at 133 and the third round leader at 20L It appeared he would breeze in, but It wasn't so. 1 WAS MORE NEBVOUS than tense, he allowed, grinning ss he tucked the 430,000 winners check in hla pocket. It pushed Ml. seasonal earnings over the 4100,000 mark.

Playing with the guy who's right on your tail makes a lot of difference too, said Jerry. "It can be good and bad." i- HEARD BY YOUR REPORTER I Delpit and American Classic winner Jerry Heard. Die fotirth round was hectic. Jerry's playing pertner, Dale Doilblass, was making a run and it seemed to shake Heard. "When you hit couple bed shots, and the guy on your.

butt sinks a few, you to Heard, who hit more than his share of bad ones oa the front nine. Solidify ht Place Generals Scuttle Slated By TOM WHELAN' The target data la Septem-. her 14 and the occasion Is the restum of boxing to the West--. Chester County Crater. Its a Tuesday night, to be aure Just tt always wu in thou good old nostalgic days" of the'-late And continued to.

be through- "out the fearful first couple of -years of World War XL that, when television first tuned its Insatiable eye on the-, world of sports and needed the White Inalna bat-, tie-pit to itpdio one night a week, Its saturation of die ring game. During the first three rounds Jerry Heard -lookedlmrlnrible. Hs-waa. driving Jong and. pants being a one shot deal( are the list of name drawing cards who will step Into, the ring that night to perform -In the seven sparring exMb-ltlon bouts.

With the avarice eye of the aforementioned -TV monster -eventually knocking out the County Center-. bouts, and thou of fclmoat- every other 1 neighborhood farm dub Just it did on the minor league baseball scene, the gendarmes elected to dip Into the past to end fill out their card. They were flabberguted to -find that seven lamer worlds champion and seven former leading contenders. Who today range in age from 39 to 53, still regard themselves ubelngln gmd enough shape to spars couple of rounds with an aging York the were New In 600 straight and hla putta were aoft and aure. But hla game came apart and It waa obvious the bogeyman had him a little frightened.

On the front nine he hit only two fairways and he hooked drives oa both the first and second, tees which led to bogles. He wu consistently missing greens, and struggling. A snake-like 20-footer on the fourth green wu a blessing, but he hogled the eighth. When SCRANTON -Mount Ver- non took a firm. If not com- mending grip on first place In the Atlantic Coast Collegiate League over the weekeud, tht 'firm part resulting from an unexpected sweep of a Saturday twl-nlght double hinder at the Red Sox park, 6-1, 4-0, the not-commending part' coming about on an nnexjwcted Scranton rebound that gave the Sox a J-3 win Sudday, and still kept them alive! If not kicking.

The two-day festivities In the fabled misty-eyed coaltown were featured by a near no- i I Sunday with the aeries cinched, but Chuck Cundarl 'got rapped fa 13 hits, thehig one being a grand dam by Ken Rlewitt of Cornell -that capped a five-run Red Sox ally In the third and wrapped it up tor the victors, who -had been trailing 2-1 at that priat The only other action of note waa a brief bash in the eighth inning, when Bpb Cblaguire of -Cornell crashed So-latolo at home plate delayed replay o( an action he had taken against Solatolo two weeks ago that -resulted In a concua- FIRST MT. VERNON SCRANTON AS A Kactabcf I 2 I CMosuOrf 4 ASMWIalk. i I 1 SomMlMS Cork. 4 1 1 MMXO.N Mwrltrff 4 I 1 Nottnnslfe' 4 i swam. Is SachnrM "III TlmkoJfe I gar "5 TSSSSS37? i DMUb" SSI Monkk SSI MlNkyA I I i SI Kmmw ASS 1 1 SCOBS BY INNINOS Mt.

Vwnon wo SOS EM SOI 1 SECOND SCRANTON SATURDAY'S MT. VERNON hitter, a grand-dam hadier, aion tor the Generals catcher, and a non-typical baseball This tipie a free-for-all result-brawl in which a few players" ed, but nobody got hurt contemporary. -HOT CAKES DEPT. "I really dont aee how this show can miss being a huge success, smiled PtL Dan Bracdo, this morning, as the president of the policemens group sliced open the. latest batch of ticket orders 'at his desk In Harrison FoUce Headquarters.

We were certain we bad a "red hot item when Chico Vejsr (Directorof "United Cerebral" Palsy of Westchester) end our board of director hit on the Idea of using the oldtime fight-' ers, and such greats as Rocky. Grariano, Jake XaMotta, Sandy Saddler, Carmen Baril-io, -Steve Belloise, Willie Pep, Billy Graham and Chuck Da-vey simply Jumped at the chance to lend a hind Vejar, one of the first ring Actually got a shot in the chops. The Generals, now 13-7, deflated Scrantona to third place at 12-11 in the opener Phil Salluatio of Yavapai Northern Arizona) iQDllege held the Red Sox hitless until, after a walk to Angelo Mecca with two out In the ninth, Mark Hoffner doubled to right-center to cost him both the nohitter and the shutout Holfners Mow also cost him a complete game, coach Jack lorons lifting him two walks later, (after he had thrown 160 pitches) to bring in Fordham University righthander, Jim Houlihan, who promptly truck, out Jeff Steinberg on -three pitches to end it Joe Out had 1 single, a homer, three rlbbies and a first inning steal of home to lead the Generals attack against loser Bob Polinsky. Catmulraf 'l 1 SamualMt' BtawfftJk ThnkaJb I Monlck -I I Mt4. 1 -It is Jb- I O.

UO.ll 1 i i Eor Sept 14 Salute to Boxing night is a one shot deal, sponsored ty the Westchester County- Police Conference for the benefit of (he United Inal Palsy of Westchester. The lfOO-WCPC members of 23 separate departments in this. Putnam and Dutch- county. es arecertaln they can sell the house (scaled for and turn over almost all of this grou to the building fund of die worthy charity which la based on King Street in the Town of Rye. The reason for their thlnnlhg, and also for this program out of necessity for the partid-j- Horse Winning taring-ton.

the Lu-ther the who In Interna- AUG. 12 10 AUG. 21 CLOSE OUT ITEMS TO 70H OFF CLEARANCE ITEMS TO SOX OFF DON'T HISS THIS ONE 1 SHIPS STORE 2031 10ST r(KT 80.. UKHNONT IHUNMlfmiNWRI. 1 -V Sports Editor Ron 11 WRN9S Whelan AIDANT (AP) Ten New State spocfswriten.and Utica- Observer-Dispatch honored over the week-at the annual two4ay meeting and seminar of thp York State Sportswritera Association.

Fourteen awards were given all. There were more than Individual entries. The Observer-Dispatch copped an three prizes tor sports page layout and Roger Neuman of the Middletown Record won top prizes In two categories. Neumans column, bn, New York States Qiles against all-star high" school sports contests and post season tournaments was Judged the outstanding Individual column of the year. His articles on the problems of realigning scholastic conferences and sections won the Special Series award.

-Hemy' Stanton of The Associated Press Albany bureau won the award for die year's top feature story tor a piece on Union College basketball star Jim a 5-foot-7 guard who feels Inhibited by the no-dunking rule. Runners up In thateateeoiy were Peter Jess of The Utica Observer-Dispatch and -Dick Yery, sports editor of the Observer-Dispatch and Charlie Ross of the Newark Courier-Gazette. One Levy, Albany-Sche-nectady Knickerbocker News-Union-Star. news story. i-Mart Fleisher of the Ebnl ra Sunday Telegram, for hla In depth coverage of the high 0 0 1 poet aeason tournaments problem in a single story- Don Metlver, Glens ta1 Post Star and Timet, in depth coverage through a aers on the 1970-71 rid season.

The presentations made IViday night at the meeting held at the Albany Hyatt House Motel, the seminar 'conducted at Albany State University on Saturday. successful results la many cases. And It was all done without the use of ha rooties, anesthetics or stinging, smarting astringents of any find. You caa obtain this earne medication used in tbw fasti at any drug counter. Its name Is Preparation HI.

Preparation also lubricates to protect the inflamed, irritated surface area to help mako 'bowel movements more comfortable. Be sure and try Preparation 1L In ointment ot suppoeitory form, of the Utica AS NH Kaehwbcf III 4 1 CarkJb I 1 Marrttt III SiS a 9 I Mt i i i ZaNuttJk 3 1.1 MofU in 0 IS sV II 3 SCORSBY Mt.VOnbM INNINOS 1 Scranton favorites In television, twice took on Chuck Dsvey, now the Mack. Commissioner of the 1 State of Michigan, over nation- el TV. And twice was defeat- Tom Whelan of the West-. ed, with Da vey earning a shot chaster Rockland Newspapers, at an aging Grariano as a re White Plains, best general coward, and subsequent title hmnj wltittinmnasup be- Rockland-Journam-News at bout w)th Kid Gsvilen.

Dieting Steve teammates. The action began whea teammate Campy Ounpan-erla waa plunked by a pitch thrawa by Bart Jobnaoo. The boys from the Windy CUy swept, 6-7 and 3-L AP Wlrepboto. HOLDING ACTION Ruffled Angel Manual (2), whs mains the outfield far CWtoralaa celestials, tori Ms restraint In the first game at Sundays AL twlnblll against the Chisa at Anaheim, and had te be held, back Iran physical combat by In a way, the Mt. Vernon pitching staff waa Just as in the nightcap.

Bob O'Gonnan retired the first six Scranton batters, gave way to Larry Omsby in the third when his arm stiffened, and Qnsby scattered three hits to beat Scranton University lefthander John Mot 11 in a Mned seven-inning shutout. Modi wasn't bad either, allowing only five safeties, but one was a two-run single in the third that ghve the Generals' all thqy needed. Mount Vernon, with first-place assured at least temporarily, tried to play it cool southpaw Gold Boy broke out even In these subsequent Chico and Chuck will go at it again In one of the Salute to Boxing pairings, with other famous rematches Including bout between Saddler and Pep (they fought four times far the featherweight crown), Graham and Joey GiardeDo and longtime New Jersey rival Tippy Larkin and Charlie Fusarl. Three famous, tong' awaited been booked between ex-middle-. weight king Grariano and La Motta, Basil lo and Ernie (The Rock) Durando and two all-time County Center favorites.

Belloise and Roger Donoghue of Yonkers. Cops 2d Leg Of Trots Big-Five QuickPride4ANice That just Keeps On held over a half-mile track. It win be different, say the prognosticators, when Quick Pride competes over a one-mile oval the Hamhletonl-an Septal at DuQudln, IQ. The "nice hose may prove Jhems wrong again. Before the 1140,000 Hamble-" tional at WeitburAug.

2L Quick tonian, Dancer Hid Driven-by Richard Gramma Jim trotted mile in In beating Hanover by 1 length. Third waa Fbmh Yankee, durable 8-year-old mare will defend her. world title the 4125.000 Roosevelt Doctors Tests Show How You Can Actually Hefp Shrink Swelling of Hemorrhoidal Tissues By TED MEDEB Associated Press Sports Writer WESTBURY, N.Y. (APT Quick Pride keeps winning the Mg ones although there Isn't 1 gjjppjggd to be a atandout I- year-old trotter around Even Stanley Dancer, the driver, trainer and part owner 0 the son ot Hickory Pride-Lu-' cile Spencer who hea.jpon 4377.388, win say only that no Nevele Doer commented' after Quick Pride Mr, pni stock sfSP; i Baroora saga sseais eaca C.e'wBtiMin1? Im fBurlti fwinS mew eeirw SMMSOrW. US' Mruf Mrs.

Arthur Mylw. wllhfH-HI-V4. SframhClowA. WnWJtJsMr- Jshn Andwwn Ml. wMh 4Jh)l-a and ts Shw 22L Mrs.

Xaylwdndl SjaeklWtirtld ur day fMM law iwl, with JH. and Th naa chnmpnwn Iba aagraw lianH 30 Nat. Mra.AlbWt.Wiiilam.aan ciMMt la iha am. U. Fufta am taMr.

Wllllami tar bar baa muni tatM at IE Pride will compete In the 425,000 Review Futurity Aug. IS at Springfield. BL and in the 635,000 Horseman Futurity at Indianapolis Aug. 26. -Elsewhere In harness racing Saturday, Grandpq Jim won Csnsdas richest trotting race, the 457,100 Maple Let! Trot at Greenwood Raceway lq Tpron-'to.

Inflammation and Infection. Also -Get Prompt, Temporary Relid in Many Cases from Rectal Itching and Pain in Such Tissuea. A A a Whin inflammation, infection and swalliag oztot in htmor- rhotdsl timigbit can bo very Knful for the sofftnr. But' here an ozcluivo formula tion which la jnsny cages jivas houn of relief from tbs hum lng Itch and pain in htmor rhoidal tiesuoa. It niao haipn shrink the sweUlng of each tie tueg.

Suffersrg era delighted at the way It acts so gently and is so soothing to sensitive tiSSOHL Tksta by doctors on hnndiod of pstionfa reported similar had won th 4107,688 Dexter' Clip Trot at Roosevelt Raceway Saturday night by half a length over Keystone HUliard 'las 2:03 mile. Quick Pride won the 6110.795 Yonkers Futurity at Yonkera Raceway. July 2 so now he hu two legs ot the Dotting Big Five and needs to win only the Hsmbletonlen, Kentucky Futurity and the Colonial for a 1 aweep of tha rich stakes tor 3-1 yeat-old trotters. i The Yookers and the Dexter Saana a Mm. Mtkannv.

In mnabaia pmv. Srldga fnlliaa 0 mi tar Hg. aW a MrrRoaart AWwartbaat nmnarjaHb 4MO-IM. Law wait lb Mra. SM Malt, Mr bWl-l-L.

TlNwolauHilntaarauna ana la Mra. Lga I an No, ll ta wmcimmttatban.00ra. INbwt Kama ba4 Iba blgb OrbAng aat aga at ana Mrk. Jack Janaa aa too- lnlbaaaatandi cantwt. Mra.

Frank Snutb aan at 440. aOjtng AOra. SrMga aba aaa at 4t. I iMfltkj -a 1 tAAjULAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA. kJULk VftLAkLLkLVVLLOkkkklk.l.v V1lL.

The Herald Statesman from Yonkers, New York (2024)
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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.