St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)


BILL TO PREVENT DUMPING OF PRISON-GOODS BEING DRAWN Labor Leaders Want Missouri I-" to Conform to Hawes-Coopor Measure. Members of the Legislative Committee of the Misouri Federation the Hawes-Cooper bill prohibiting the shipment of prison-made goods in interstate commerce. R. T. Wood, president of the Federation, directed the preparation of the bill after receiving a telegram from Senator Hawes announcing the passage of the Federal measure.

Labor leaders expressed fear that the new law would mean the dumping on the local mraket of large quantities of goods made in the penitentiary, and said legislation would be souerht to prevent it. ACT NOW This Is Your Opportunity WE GIVE EAGLE STAMPS Eighth St. and Franklin Ave. FREE AUTO PARKING Eighth St. and Franklin Ave.

kiruw ST. LOUIS' GREATEST CLOTHING STORE OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT of Labor yesterday began preparation of a bill to be introduced in January in the Missouri Legislature to conform the State laws to FOR MAN AND BOY INLLV EK AdBADl By the Jefferson City Correspond-end of the Pos-t-Dispatcli. JEFFERSON CITY, Dec. 21. A SANTA KNOWS A THING OR TWO chargre that the St.

Louis city ad- A Small Deposit Holds Any Purchase Till Needed Thia store for the masses, has been Santa's source of supply for over 54 years. He knows that his money buys a lot more gifts here than anywhere else in the city. Many a man and boy has been made happy with gifts from the Globe. Ash Dad or Grand Dad, they will tell you. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS The Ideal Christmas Gift Wot H8(QY2 Jack'Knife Boots For School, Boy Scouts or Hikers ministration was "passing: the buck" in the arbitration of the demands of the carmen and electrical employes of the St.

Louis Public Service Co. for an increase in wages and improved working conditions and the counter-proposal of the company to reduce wages, was made by Lloyd Landau, special counsel for the company, during arguments in the case before the AWAY THE YGO SATURDAY IPEAET SALE For the remaining two weeks of the year Globe will sell the unrestricted choice of the stock at reductions never made in Every' Instrument Guaranteed December. Racks must be cleared by the end of the year to reduce our inventory Snappy looking and long wearing. Keep the feet warm and dry. Made of soft, fine quality black all possible.

Don't wait any longer! leathers, with the famous Ever Wear flit I Wft.VIIV- Composition Soles. MEN'S 0 YOUNG MEN'S OVERCOAT 'ouths' Sixes, JO to 13Vi; Boys' Sises, 1 to 6, SUITS Missouri Tublic Service Commission today. Landau pointed out that last May. when a strike threatened. Mayor Miller called both sides into a conference at which it was agreed that the dispute would be submitted for arbitration, with the city acting as an interested party in behalf of the car riders.

The city, he contended, had acted merely as an observer, submitting no evidence and no briefs in the case. Contending that the compact been brought into the arbitration by the city and then left to its own devices in presenting the case. Landau called on Forrest Ferris and Associate City Counselor, for an explanation of the city's stand. Ferris replied the city had bound itself to abide by any wage grant the commission might make, but had not bound itself to approve any increase in fares as a result of the wage awards. City Counselor Muench and his pssistants have attended some of the arbitration hearings but have taken 'ruo active part in them.

Conflicting lines of argument have developed in the case, as well as in the evidence of the union and This is not a sale of old shopworn clothing, the pick of this season's fabrics, patterns models. Single and double breasted styl Regular and extra sizes. Free alterations. Bargains in Exchange Dept. PLAYERS $150 COTE 65 245PIANISTA 95 275 WHEELOCK 110 295AUTOPIANO 135 350 HADDORFF 175 TERMS $2 A WEEK Ik II I $20 KINDS $25 KINDS $35 KINDS $40 KINDS A nifty Bone Handle "REMINGTON" Jack Knife with every pair.

It fits the pocket you see in the picture and its FREE! MAIL 24 i ORDERS We Give EAGLE STAMPS FILLED SIXTH and FRANKLIN kg Quality Shoe for All tht Family THIS GOING-OUT-OF-BUSINESS PIANO SALE offers you an opportunity you cannot afford to overlook. Act now! Itnt Hose company. Representatives or trie union declare the 'income condition of the street railway company is no defense to the wage demands of the union, if the wage demands are reasonable. They assert they have shown their demands to be MAKE YOUR BOYS HAPPY SABut BOYS' HEAVY PLAID LINED MEN'S $6.50 LEATHER TRIMMED ALL-WOOL-LINED OUTDOOR 1 I reasonable. Attorneys for the company con-I tend the company financially is urwAirjEiii it un a Convenient Terms 1 to 3 Year to Pay HANDSOME FANCY PATTERNS for 1 92a 95 Sb MITE UTTLE BOYS' LINED O'COATSl CAPS MEN'S HEAVY PLAID ALL-WOOL MACKINAW Bargains in Exchange Dept.

Also a Complete Line of Cabinets at Special Prices for Atwater Kent Radios unable to pay a wage increase, and is not earning the rate of return authorized by the Commission, under existing conditions. They declare the ability of the company to pay is the. dominant element to be considered by the Commission in making its award. Car Men Heard In arguments for the car men, which were submitted first, V.

R. Schneider, attorney for the union, attacked the proposal of the company that wages should be reduced because the company was not now earning the full rate of return authorized by the commission. "The employes are not partners in this business and they have no voice in the management," Schneid NAVY BLUE .95 COATS 6 CHINCHILLA GOATS UPRIGHTS 75 ESTEY 35 140 SINGER 65 195 KIMBALL 75 250 WILLARD 135 350 STEINWAY 195 TERMS $2 A WEEK MEN'S LEATHERETTE AND CORDUROY SHEEP-LlfiED Model 40 All Electric Complete with tubes and Atwater Kent Magnetic Speaker. Nothing else to buy SOYS 117 1 SOUS 3 er said. therefore they should not be required to share through wage reductions, a part, of the amount by which the company earnings are falling below the au- TWO PANT .75 i KNM'KKRS.

Model 43 -Genuine Dynamic Atwater Kent Radio complete with tubes and Atwater DOUBLE BREASTED thorized rate of return." Schneider declared the company could grant an increase in wages I without an increase in fares and I asserted it could materially in NEW SHIPMENT MEN'S $162IS VEST Kent Dynamic Speaker. The Best in Radio Reception. DOUBLE-BREASTED SAVE UP TO 50 On Pianos of World-Wide Renown Included in This Sale Are These Famous Makes itiitson 'pramiin CORDUROY 0.45 WITH 2 PRS. OF PANTS LONG AND SHORT OR 2 SHORTS ALL-WOOL FABRICS Musical VESTS Bos' Wool Gloves 25c 02? Gifts GIVE HIM SHIRTS FOR XMAS 2X. l.nnE jjji Men's Genuine Cg cm crease its earnings by co-ordinating the competing bus service in St.

Louis with the street railway, lie said the failure to take advantage of this method of transportation when started in St. Louis had been an error by the company niajiagement. lie declared the annual earnings of the competing bus company were greater than the amount the street railway claimed its revenues were falling below the authorized return. "The trouble with the street railway company is that we have financiers operating it instead of practical street railway men," Schneider said. Compares Wages O.

Zimring of Chicago. of eroaacioin Piano Accordion today most Intrrmtinc nnd rntrrtainintr mui-nl instru- AMPICO 1 siHiiisf SHIRTS BOYySHEEP-UNED CORDUROY COATS 675 BOYS' LEATHERETTE 7JtZ SHEEP-LINED SI We are exclusive factory representative for G. Tonetti and R. Galanti Piano Accordions. The Very Best Trice as low MEN'S EXTRA-FINE SHIRTS 1.95 GENUINE RADIUM SILK SHIRTS495 BOYS' ALL-WOOL PLAID AT MACKINAW COATS 4 and up $50 io $400 Headquarters tor Men counsel for the union, reviewed the union's evidence and declared wages of car men in St.

Louis were not on a parity with wages in comparable cities, and did not constitute a saving The carmen demanded an increase of cents an hour in the axop KEH'S 52 RAYON MUFFLERS SI MEN'S $2 LINED KID GLOVES 7BLflG GL03E HATS Uenume Buescher silver-plated gold bell Alto Mm The House of Lehman as, well as the a nufacturef stands behind i ruments offered during this sale. $148-50 Saxophone Outfit. The most popular of saxophones. Complete HATS 95 MEN'S $5 GENUINE 45 sicm" gloves Meu' All-Silk MUFFLERS Scmrfi nnd Siiitre- lil.AL EKI.T Ludwig Drum Outfits Ludwig Banjos Are Mmle of REAL FELT 5 kIMIS 2.85 0 MEN'S GAUNTLET present wage scale for niotormcn and conductors, which ranees from 50 cents an hour for the first year up to a maximum of 67 cents an hour, attained after three years' of service.

Changes also asked are in working conditions, chiefly affecting the period of time in which runs would be completed. 3.45 ProfeNMfonnl Outfit $99.50 1 imie Tenor Ilnnjo anil Case $50 MUFFLERS 35s II. All ing Other Genuine I.urt-l(t Dram Oiilfi. $31 lp Easy MEN'S HEAVY SWEATER COATS, 1.95 Other Lndnlic Banjo Outfit tip to Miutrii; JuvrnUe hnre $245 lru in MEN'S AAAriA PAIR pSlsasM Terms FANCY 20c Oot Toy) wltli ff Htick nnd Klin Violins $5.50 The company proposed to reduce wages 5 cents an hour, which would make lie pay of transportation employes range from 45 cents an hour to 62 cents an hour. OB 5 PAIRS FOR $1.

BCXEO School Mperinl outfit $9.75 Vkulele Sperinl. i2.i,-,, Genuine Martin I kulelea up front 1.K Unnjo I ken, up from $1.5 Trnor Ouitarn. up from 913.00 Harmonicna. up from 10c MENS S3 ELACK BRCWN JERSEY COATS 1.45 MEN'S S3 FANCY PULLOVER SWEATERS 1-75 BOYS' S2 HEAVY ROPE PULLOVER SWEATERS 1.10 Men's anil hrnirj WOOL-MIXED 35c $650 Estcy Grand unM tix. 29flf Specially pricrd yjtfj 2 Tears to Pay (Genuine Anlren violin C1C7 Cfl outfit pio $450 Stcger Grand lil eirrlJrnt con it fiC SpetiAlly pru-pd V0-? 2 Ttsrt to Tiy SOCKS 3Prs.Sl HIS HEAVY mjUO.

Saxophone OutfitH $29.50 Trumpet Outfits $1500 MEN'S HEAVY ALL-WOOL WORSTED SHAKER QK PULL-OVER OR COAT SWEATERS HwJ KIEL RESOLUTION RULED OUT A resolution of indorsem*nt of former Mayor Kiel, now a candidate for the Republican mayoralty nomination, was introduced last night at a meeting of the Sixteenth Ward Republican Organization Club at 707 South Vandeventer avenue, but failed of passage when YARN SOCKS 39c $1975 Fischer Ampico Grand Beautiful raahog.inf case; hut uliiibt' $975 2'i Tcarj t3 Tty $1800 Knabe Grand t.oui XV dciisn C13QC Specially pricrd V53 2'i Teati Pay Genuine Ruesrher ailTer-plntrif coli bell Trumpet Ofl Outfit PJJ Genuine Buescher sllrer-pla ted Koi( bell Trombone COC outfit $ty MENS HEAVY ALL-WOOL PULLDOWN MEN'S $2 WOOL-MIXED Flannel SHIRTS Men's Real Leather BELTS INITIAL BUCKLES MEN'S S5 ALL-WOOL KNITTED VESTS 2.45 BOYS' ALL-WOOL PLAID LUMBER JACKS 1.50 MENS S5 ALL-WOOL LUMBER JACKS 2.95 Complete line of ttnnter Kent nnd Majestic Itndios on hand for Immediate delivery A. D. Connor, president of the club, ruled It out of order. The resolution was presented by John G. Spellman.

former Repub CAPS5 1 1.45 SET $1 $3I50Chickerini Ampico Grand $1375Chickering Grand Colonial Driign Bran.l- new. Specially priced. OPEN EVERY MIGHT UNTIL CHRISTMAS UNTIL MHE Q'CLOnif Free Lessons With Every Instrument Easy Terms OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS Exclusive Dealer in St. Louis for Buescher Band Instruments, Ludwig Banjos and Drums. lican committeeman from the ward.

Th present committeeman. Charles Pfeiffer. who defeated Spellman in 1926. is understood to lean toward the Support of Mayor Miller. new.

Spernllv puced V3 Jej'i to r-y MEN'S WOOL-MIXED SHIRTS OR DRAWERS 95 INDIAN AND COWBOY suits -rrjvrjr suits PLETE BmaBaaBBaUBaBBaUBSaBauaUBBaaaB Save Up to 50 on a Piano You Will Be Proud MEN'S HEAVY UNION SUITS, out- I TtnrMfcf. out- wool. MIM 1.10 IK A AAf FITS VSSgyS' FITS M-lANEUtj pRcs. S200.0O0 lire in Montgomery, Ala 13 jr the AwoointM Prrjsg. MONTGOMERY.

Dec. 21. The third disastrous fire to strike Montgomery in two years destroyed Uhe three-story building on Dexter avenue, the main thoroughfare, occupied by S. H. Kress Co.

and several smaller businesses today. The loss was estimated at 1200,000. to Show Your Friends. Lehman Piano Co. 1101 Olive St.

Oben Evcnincs Until 10 O'clock -'srT' GENUINE COLLINS 't AND GUSTENBURY fl Af SHIRT OR DRAWERS' 1.00 lhone 821 WASHINGTON AV. EVK l.NCS 1.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.