The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)

THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER Sefurdey, Aug. 13, I960 3 8 He Kills Wifes Dad Obituaries Mecklenburg Deaths And Funerals Philpott Says Hell Be Ready Wounds. His Mate, Son The officer said Hannah then cut the telephone wires to the house, broke into the dwelling and wounded his wife, Mrs. Wilma Hannah, 35. A bullet also struck their child, Ricky 2, being carried in Mrs.

Hannah's arms. The sheriff-theorized that Hannah then fled into the nearby cornfield and Mrs. Hannah, bleeding from two wounds in the breast, followed. Mrs. Hannah appeared later at the home of a neighbor, Bryan Setzer, screaming: Frank lost his head and hes killed everybody down there.

called police. When officers arrived, they found Mrs. Hannah lying in her ANNEXATION LEXINGTON Mrs. Mattie Le-ona Coppley, 54. of Rt.

7, died Saturday in' Denton. Funeral Sunday 4 p. m. at Macedonia Methodist Church. LINCOLNTON Jobin Tillman Powell.

87, died Thursday in Columbia, S. C. Funeral Saturday 3 p. m. in Macedonia Pentecostal Holiness Church.

MOORESVILLE MisJ Lillian Louisa Williams, 79, died Tuesday at the home. Funeral today 2:30 p.m. at the home, 335 W. McLelland Ave. Burial in Willow Valley cemetery.

MOLNT GILEAD Miss Bessie Matheson, 71, died Thursday in a Charlotte nursing home. Funeral Sunday 3 p.m. in Hebron Methodist Church, Mount Gilead. NEWTON Suzette Joan Moses, 22-day-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Floyd Moses of Rt. 1, Maiden, died at 10 p. m. Thursday in a Charlotte Hospital. Funeral today 11 a.

m. at Mt. Ruhama Baptist Church. SANFORD Kenneth Edward Holder, 55, of Broadway Rt. 1 died early Friday.

Funeral Sunday 2:30 p.m. at Mt. Pis-gah Presbyterian Church. SHELBY C. Tom Stamey, 70, of Polkville died Thursday at home.

Funeral today 11 a.m. at Polkville Methodist Church. TAYLORSVILLE Robert Cal-vin Deal, 62, of Rt. 1 died Thursday at home. Funeral today 3 p.m.

at Beulah Baptist Church. South Carolina ROCK HILL Mrs. Dora Lee Crenshaw Rollings of 345V4 Laurens St. died at her home Friday. Funeral Sunday 2 p.m.

at Betheol Methodist Church. Burial in White Plains Cemetery near Pageland. Survivors: sisters, Mrs. Alice Slice of Washington, D.C., Mrs. Onic Clyburn of Charlotte, Mrs.

Eunice Dobson of Cayce. Judge: Raleighs Annex Legal, But Mercy Hospital. Funeral plans incomplete. Survivor: brother, W. M.

Speagle of Charlotte. J. CLARENCE WILLIAMS, 78, of 2560 Kenmore Ave. died Friday in a local hospital. Funeral in Hickory.

Plans incomplete. Survivors: wife; daughters. Mrs. Josephine Donnelly of Charlotte, Mrs. Alan Chappell of Wilson, Mrs.

Fred N. Hamby Jr. of Daytona Beach, Fla; son, James C. Williams Jr. of Goldsboro; brother, John D.

Williams of Vero Beach, sister, Miss Jettie Williams of Charlotte. North Carolina GASTONIA William Albert Pruett, 66, died in a Charlotte hospital Thursday. Funeral today at Temple Baptist Church. Survivors: wife; step-mother, Mrs. Jane Messer Pruett; daughter, Mrs.

Grady Loftin of Gastonia; sons, Earl, Robert, both of Gastonia, William of Erie, Billy J. of Charlotte; sister, Mrs. Brantley Smith of Harden; brothers, Ed of Harden, Adam Pruett of Gastonia. GASTONIA Carla Yvonne Chavis, 4, died Thursday in a Winston-Salem hospital. Funeral Sunday p.m.

at Victory Baptist Church. GOLD HILL James Wesley Sells, 79, of Rt. 2 died Friday in a Salisbury hospital. Funeral Sunday 3 p.m. at Mat-tons Grove Methodist Church.

LENIOR Funeral services were conducted Friday at Lenoir Funerai Home for one-day-old Mark Steven Cowick who died Thursday at a local hospital. LEXINGTON Timothy James Robinson, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Franklin Robinson, died Friday in Lexington Memorial Hospital. Graveside services today 10 a.

m. Arrington Heights Baptist Church Cemetery. (Hoots (Qur accessible RALEIGH (UPI) Superior Court Judge Henry A. McKinnon Jr. ruled Friday that Raleigh officials complied with the states new annexation law in taking in five areas this year, but he delayed a decision on the constitutionality of the law itself.

Mecklenburg CURTIS BELTON or 2112 Horn Drive died Sunday in Lenoir. Funeral Sunday 2 p.m. at White Oak Baptist Church, Fairfield County, S.C. Survivors: sisters, Mrs. Mat-tie Gaines and Mrs.

Mary Gaines of Charlotte; Mrs. Georgia Ballard of New York City, Mrs. Cora Caldwell of Baltimore, brothers, Allen of York, and Nathaniel of Lando, S.C, EDDIE COLEMAN, of 1300 Winifred St. died Thursday in a local hospital. Funeral Sunday 1 p.m.

at Gethsemane Baptist Church. Survivors: wife; daughters, Mrs. Catherine Mitchell, Mrs. Cleola Poag and Mrs. Millie Thompson of Rock Hill, S.

sister, Annie Coleman of Char-. lotte; brothers, Frank of Charlotte and Walter of Winston-Salem. MRS. MATTIE HUTCHINSON DEESE, 81, of 114 Linwood died Friday at home. Graveside services Sunday 4 p.

m. at Sego Cemetery in Wadesboro. EARNEST ODELL KING, 79. of 2816 Beatties Ford Rd. died Friday at home.

Funeral today 3:30 p.m. at Williams Memorial Presbyterian Church. Survivors: wife; son, Olin of Charlotte; daughters, Mrs. Carl Fink, Mrs. W.

A. Edwards and Mrs. S. H. Kirkpatrick, all of Charlotte; half-brothers, W.

A. Herron of Casper, L. P. Todd of New York City, John, Charlie, Walter' and Clyde Todd of Charlotte; half-sisters, Miss Pauline Herron, Mrs. James Alexander, Mrs.

Mary Davis, Mrs. Elizabeth Gray and Mrs. Allen Douglas, all of Charlotte. JOSEPH EARLEY MARKS, 76, of 1068V, Moores Chapel Road, died Thursday in a local hospital. Funeral Sunday 2:30 p.m.

at Thrift Baptist Church. Survivors: wife; daughters, Mrs. Hazel Hildreth and Mrs. Vivian M. Dagenhardt of Charlotte; son, Joe H.

Marks of Charlotte. MONROE H. MOORE of 711 E. 10th St. died Monday at home.

Funeral Sunday, 3 p.m. at Liberty Hill Baptist Church. Survivors: wife; mother, Mrs. Mamie Moore of Charlotte; stepson. Worth Houston of Charlotte; sisters, Mrs.

Bleeker McCleve and Mrs. Ad-die Mae Watt of Charlotte; Mrs. Frances Sharp of Newark, N. Mrs. Ruby Williams of Triangle, brothers, Oscar Moore of Rochelle, N.

Hay-' wood Moore of Newark, Luther Moore of Elizabeth, N. Eddie Moore of Albany, N. Floyd Moore of Rahay, N. Johnny Moore of Monroe. JOHN L.

SPEAGLE, 71. of 1216 Seigle died Friday in: 9 upstairs bedroom. She was covered with blood. The wounded baby was standing near a door crying. Thomas said some parts of the story did not fit properly.

Hannah was shot with a .32 calibre pistol which we later found in Mrs. Hannahs bedroom, he said. We found Hannahs .22 calibre rifle used, to kill Welch ia the cornfield about 45 feet from Hannah. Thomas quoted Dr. Edgar Angel, who treated Mrs.

Hannah at a hospital, as saying Mrs. Hannah told the physician Hannah shot himself in the field before she returned to the house. Hollings 2-Elector Plan Dies By CHARLES WICKENBERG Obttrver Columbia Bureau COLUMBIA, S. Ernest F. Hollings proposal for the state Democrats to sponsor two slates of presidential electors Li November is dead.

It lived less than a week. The funeral will be Sunday afternoon when the states National Democratic Convention delegates meet at the governors house to plan recommendations to the state convention. The dual slate of electors will not be among the, recommendations. And the burial will be when the State Convention meets in the Township Auditorium here at 2:30 p.m., Monday, when the Democrats put up a single slate pledged to the national nominees Sen. John Kennedy and Sen.

Lyndon Johnson. This was evident here Friday in talks with party officials, members and a look at the chain-reaction against the governor's suggestion. Sources close to Hollings indi-scated he's given up on the idea advanced at his news conference Aug. 4 to have the party sponsor a Kennedy Johnson ticket and a second ticket unpledged to any candidate. And Atty.

Gen. Dan McLeod made it plain to a newsman Friday he never thought too much of the idea anyway. He implied serious doubt that it would survive a legal test. Serving Every Neighborhood EARNEST ODELL KING Earnest Odell King, 79, of 2816 Beatties Ford died Friday, Aug. 12, 1960, at his home.

Mr. King, a retired farmer, was born March 13, 1881, in Mecklenburg County. Funeral services will be held at 3:30 oclock this afternoon from Williams Memorial Presbyterian Church. The Rev. M.

B. Prince the pastor and the Rev. C. F. Womble, pastor of Trinity Methodist will officiate.

Interment will be in the church cemetery. Nephews will serve as pallbearers. The body will be taken from McEwen Funeral Home to the residence at 9:30 a.m. today, where it will remain until the hour of the service. MISS LILLIAN LOUISA WILLIAMS MOORESVILLE Miss Lillian Louisa Williams, daughter of the late Thomas Jefferson and Willie Ada McCulloch Williams, died at her home Tuesday evening at 7:30 after an hours illness.

Born at the Williams home, south of Mooresville, Jan. 24th, 1881, she had spent her life, except for her college years, in Greensboro, giving much time to reading and study of the Bible. For many years she was a teacher in the Sunday School at Centre Presbyterian Church of which she was a member, since childhood. In 1956, Miss Williams presented to her church the completely equipped Williams Building. She was a member of the Mary Slocumb Chapter D.

A. R. Two brothers, Samuel Clay Williams and Thomas Brem Williams preceded her in death. Survivors include one sister, Mrs. John Young Templeton and the following nieces and nephews: Mrs.

Thornton H. Brooks, Greensboro; Dr. S. Clay Williams and Dr. Thomas B.

Templeton, Winston-Salem; Dr. John Y. Templeton III, of Philadelphia; Mrs. George K. Brown of Mt.

Ulla, and Mrs. Norman P. Sholar of Mooresville. Funeral services will be held at her home, 335 W. McLelland Ave.

at 2:30 oclock this afternoon. Interment will be in Willow Valley Cemetery. Arrangements by the Cavin Funeral Directors of Mooresville. Ghapel DIRECTORS SINCE 1898 A complete home hospitality center. simple to install ond easy McKinnon said he would render a decision on the test of the law by annexation foes Aug.

29. The date was set to allow time for an appeal to the State Supreme Court. Each side has promised to appeal if it loses. Opponents of the annexation argued that the General Assembly unconstitutionally delegated its legislative authority in the new law. The law allows cities to annex areas without a referendum.

It has not yet been tested before the Supreme Court. McKinnon ruled that the city complied with the new law in its plans for serving the areas and followed the procedure for annexation outlined in the statute. Anti-annexation attorneys J. L. and Robert Emanuel said they would appeal McKinnon's ruling.

They said, however, the chief issue was the constitutional one which has not been settled. Gossip Club To Disperse NORTH ADAMS, Mass. Wl The proprietor of Apothecary Hall, one of the citys leading drugstores, has posted this notice: Beginning today, the ladies chat and gossip club will not hold any more meetings on our benches. We regret that paying customers complaints, shortage of fountain seats and just plain common sense make this change of policy necessary. See your secretary for your new location.

convenient location is easily from every neighborhood 829 PROVIDENCE ROAD RALEIGH (jn Democratic nominee for lieutenant governor H. Cloyd Philpott said Friday if a special legislative session is called for January he will definitely have his committee appointments ready. However, Rep. Joe Hunt of Guilford, regarded as the front runner for House speaker, said he felt the committee appointments should not be made at a special session. Democratic Dominee for governor Terry Sanford seemed to side with Philpott.

He looked with favor on getting the committee appointments made so the Legislature could begin regular work earlier. The Legislature is scheduled to convene in regular session in February. Sanford has said he favors a special session only if it would serve a purpose, save the people money or the legislators wanted it. Gov. Hodges has said he favors the idea of calling a special session for January for the next governors inauguration ceremonies.

There have been suggestions that if the Legislature is called into special session, it immediately take action to appoint committees. Another line of thought is that the Legislature, once called into special session, could vote to continue in session for the regular dispatch of business. Philpott said he has not given much thought to this idea and would welcome suggestions from Sanford. He added a quicker start might keep the regular session from running into summer. Hunt disagreed, saying he did not believe he was in favor of bringing the Legislature into regular session in January.

NLRB Scolds Anti-Union Winn-Dixie WASHINGTON 0B The National Labor Relations Board has ordered Winn-Dixie Stores, and Winn-Dixie of Greenville, to allow their employes to join and participate in a union without fear of losing their jobs. The order, dated Aug. 11 and released Friday, ordered the grocery chain to cease and desist from threatening or coercing employes because of their membership or interest in the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America, AFL-CIO, the Retail Clerks International AFL-CIO, or other labor organizations. The chain operates stores In sonville, Waynesville and Brevard. Union complaints that the grocery chain refused to grant pay increases to two employes because of union activity and discharged six other employes for the same reason were dismissed.

Where mink is concerned, we need to be specific a mink coat, or a mink stole, for example. 7. LAST not fast. Without nourishment is necessary for LAST, but quite unnecessary for fast. 11.

BLIGHT not plight or slight. It is not so much a case of your plight itself frustrating you, as of the circ*mstances that put you into such a plight. BLIGHT is the most direct. Slight (defined as: an instance of slighting treatment), being something of the moment, is vague as regards the clue words, it continues to be frustrating." 12. PALLET not mallet.

When you think of the average artist," simple and unqualified, normally implies a painter, rather than a sculptor, favoring PALLET. There is no overriding reason to select mallet. 13. SEE not set. SEE makes an all-inclusive answer.

She may Jiave her children or cleaning woman set straight for her, rather than do the work herself. Sew is too vague. 16. CAPS not cape. It is particularly indoors that CAPS arev not commonly worn.

Capes are not exactly commonly rn out of doors, either. 18. BOY not bay. A sunny, cheerful BOY will always be popular. A bay, however, sunny may be too far off the beaten track to be popular.

Buy is remote. 19. ARM not are. He "will distrust his countrys potential enemies, and the foreign powers that ARM them. The phrase, foreign powers that are, is poor grammatically, especially as regards the words, potential enemies.

FRANKLIN UP! A 42-year-eld mountain carpenter, ordered by a court to straighten out his domestic affairs, killed his father-in-law and wounded his wife and child in a wild half hour Friday. The man, Frank Jackson Hannah, fled into a cornfield after the shootings. Officers found him mortally wounded with' a pistol wound in the head. Macon County Sheriff J. Harry Thomas said Hannah apparently spent the night in the barn of his father-in-law, 72-year old Robert Welch, who owned a small mountain farm eight miles from here.

The sheriff said that when Welch 'catered his barn at 5 a.m., Hannah, hidden in a loft, him with four bullets from a .22 caliber rifle. People Margaret Snubs U.S. Teen-Ager From Observer Wire Reports A young girl with an American accent found out about lese majeste the hard way last night. She asked. Princess Margaret for her autograph.

a a-rets was colder than halfway from here to the moon. Members of the British Margaret royal family never give autographs and the rule is dont ask. incident occurred between acts of the musical Fings Aint What They Used Be at the Garrick Theater in London. The princess and her husband, Anthony Armstrong-Jones, arrived unannounced just before cutrain time for a look at this rowdy show about jail birds and street girls, and took a scat in the third row. There they were spotted by the American girl, about 18, who was sitting farther back in the When the curtain fell at the end of the first act she rushed down the aisle, held out her program and asked Margaret: Please, may I have your autograph? Margaret's displeasure was plain for all to see.

The American girl was heard to remark later to a friend in the theater foyer: I think it made her a little cross. She frowned, shook her head and said No very firmly." Audit For Rooney Superior court in Santa Monica, wants to talk over money matters with Mickey Rooney. Superior Judge Benjamin Landis ordered the actor i appear i Tri court Sept. jQr an ex- a ation 'I of finan- cial affairs. fj The judge day i missed action brought against Rooney by his fourth wife, Mrs.

Elaine Mahnken Rooney, who testified he paid her $1,000 after she had him cited June 10. She claims he owes her a total of about $30,000. Rooney contends his fifth wife, Barbara, is expecting a child January, and that he is short of cash. Wardrobe Stolen Comedian Mort Sahl has lost his working wardrobe to a cat burglar. Sahl usually does his nightclub routine in a slouchy sweater.

Sahl told police a burglar crept into his Hollywood apartment Thursday while he was asleep and escaped with $500 in cash, two watches worth $650, and seven sweaters. Divorce Granted Actress Jean Simmons, charging mental cruelty, has been granted an uncontested divorce i Nogales, Ariz. from her actor hus -band Stewart Granger. The divorce was granted We esday by Superior Jdge Gordon Farley and the decree was expected to be signed Friday. Miss Simmons, who filed the action July 7, was granted custody of the couples daughter, Tracy, 3.

She did not seek alimony, but will receive child support payments. The two were married Dec. 20, 1930, in Tucson, Ariz. 772 emonal FUNERAL For bedroom, dining room or den, a multi-purpose storage wall. PRIZE PUZZLE POT AVAILABLE COMPONENTS A high-fidelity Installation, perfect for stereo.

Chest Theres An Easy 225 Awaiting Right Answers elite Stcme Decorating 3ngenuitg Door Cabinet AdjustableRemoveable Shelf Open Front Cabinet Books, Records Radio-Television Components rr iT'l 2 For for For 21" Glass Door Cabinet Glassware, Crockery NEW NOW AT liloodruff Cone Door Cabinet General Storoge High A modular wall system, strikingly different in color. 17. GALE not gala. GALE is more literally satisfactory. A gala may be scheduled, but (being as yet nonexistent) it isnt really coming.

18. BEAT not boat. When certain individuals are given the wrong boat is too vague. It is difficult to know what is meant. There could be Some confusion if musicians, for example, a given wrong BEAT.

Brat is not good. 21. TIDY not tiny. The clue infers that because he is this, he could be popular. The good characteristic of being TIDY makes a sound answer.

No such assumption is justified in the case of tiny. CLUES DOWN: 2. CHILL not child. The man the child to the doctor; it is the child who "goes with the man. The clue, as worded, suits CHILL better.

3. CLASSES not glasses. Different CLASSES for different Subjects, or things. yes; but the same glasses often serve for different drinks and different glasses for the same drinks. 5.

MILK not mink. MILK is a natural answer to the clue. liiu Solution To No, 308 Hold onto your pencils, Prize Puzzle fans. There was no winner in this weeks puzzle contest. That means youll get a chance at more prize money next week.

Fifty dollars more prize money, in fact, for $50 is added to the pot each time you puzzle-answerers fail to come up with a winner. The prize for next week's puzzle, to be published in Sundays paper, is $200. An extra $25 will be added if the winning entry is mailed on a postcard. Here are some of the answers to last weeks puzzle. EXPLANATIONS OF MORE DIFFICULT CLUES: CLUES ACROSS: 6.

TIGHTLY not lightly or rightly. The clue suggests an experimental departure from what is normal. Lightly is normal. TIGHTLY is very apt. He will do so, surely, if he does so rightly.

Nightly is not good. 8. YELL not bell. Not the bell itself, so much as summons fin which the bell is instrumental). YELL is more direct, as it could be a statement of one word or several.

Cell is weak. 13. SETTING not sealing. In amateur dramatics," there is. of course, the SETTING.

The seating is an administrative matter, not strictly within the scope of dramatics. Also, "amateurs may hire a hall in which proper seating already exists. 15. LOAVES not leaves. LOAVES of the same kind will ccr'ainly be similar in general appearance.

You could have, for Instance, two leaves, a live one and a dead one, both "of precisely the same kind, yet I.

The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)
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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.