Passaic Daily News from Passaic, New Jersey (2024)

PASSAIO DAILY NEWS. THURSDAY. MARCH 10.1898. 7 opinion of the editor of Printers Ink, the authority on advertising. The HEART of the United States ORIO COLORADO KENTUCKY TENNESSEE N.

Albany, N.Y Journal Utica Press Argus (Sunday) Elizabeth, N. J. Journal Express Jersey City. Journal Times- Union Newark News Herald Sunday Call Brooklyn. Eagle Paterson.

Leader Passaic. News Times Call Trenton. On American Courier Record Sunday, Advertiser News Chester, Times Times Harrisburg Independent Express Patriot Elmira Pittsburg. Chronicle Telegraph Gazette and Free Press Dispatch Rochester Democrat Chronicle Post Herald Times Union Advertiser Commercial Gazette Syracuse Herald Pottsville. Republican Post Reading.

Eagle Troy. Scranton. Truth Times West Chester Local News Utica Observer Wilkesbarre. Record The great States of New York and Pennsylvania and the respectable State of New Jersey, situated between them, constitute the very heart of the United States. It is a region of dense population, great wealth and marked intelligence.

To reach the people, the papers enumerated above will be found the best. There are other good papers in the interior of these three States, but those mentioned are the best, and a liberal advertisem*nt in each of them will be likely to use up a very considerable appropriation. It will be noticed that no papers published in New York or Philadelphia are mentioned. Those cities are points of such national importance that they must necessarily be treated by themselves. The man who advertises largely in the leading papers of New York and Philadelphia does more than appeal to the citizens of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania: he addresses a siderable proportion of the population of the entire country.

This is not a paid advertisem*nt. but represents the I once heard the leading contralto singer of the Castle Square Theater Opera of Boston, remark to a friend, sitting in her dressing-room: "Some singers can't sing well, they say, just after eating heartily, and take only a light lunch; but it works just the opposite with me. It's impossible for me to sing a hard opera without having a good meal before; but I often take a Ripans Tabule to help digest it. My voice is always clearer and more powerful when I do." Place For Wainwright's Son. Washington, March -The president has appointed Richard Wainwright, of the District of Columbia cadet at large at the Naval academy and Rufus Saxton Thompson, also of the District of Columbia, as his alternate.

Mr. Wainwright is the Lieutenant Commander Wainwright of the navy, who was executive officer of the battleship Maine at the time of her destruction in the harbor of Havana. Mr. Thompson is the nephew of General Rufus Saxton, a distinguished officer of the army on the retired list. Rheumatism Cured in 24 Hours.

T. J. Blackmore, of Haller Blackmore. Pittsburgh, says: "A short time since I procured a bottle of MYSTIC CURE. It got me out of the house in twenty-four hours.

I took to my bed with Rheumatism nine months ago and the MYSTIC CURE is the only medicine that did me ahy good. I have. medicine that did me any good. I had five of the best physicians in the city, but I received very little relief from them. I know the MYSTIC CURE to be what it is represented and take pleasure in recommending it to other poor sufferers." Sold by Van Riper 207 Main avenue.

Passaic. 5 Job Printing! If the finest plant. largest facilities and best workmen will not enable us to do the best printing in town or out of town, what will Send for a tive to call and give estimates. Passaic Daily News, Printers of Everything. TELEPHONE, 58 A.

000.000 000 000.000 000.000 000.000 000.000 it from 30 to 60 days, and it is said the gun may be mounted on one of the auxillary cruisers. The Reading Iron company is build. ing a 10-inch gun for the government on the same segmental plan, as the above $33,000 having been appropriated for the purpose. It will be Anished about the end of June. Longstreet's Son Would Fight, Atlanta, March James Longstreet, ip a letter written from Washington has offered his services to Governor Atkinson in the event of war.

The letter reads: "In view of the probability of war between the United States and Spain, and deeming it my duty as a true son of Georgia, I hereby tender, my services to you, as governor of Georgia and head of its national guard. I beg leave to state that the art. of war is not totally unknown to me, as I have read many books on that subject and studied many battles of the late war and discussed the movements therein with my father, General James Longstreet. In case of war I most earnestly beg that I be assigned to some field of active duty." Bryan Compliments Congress, Atlanta, March W. J.

Bryan spent a few hour In Atlanta on his way from Macon, where he spoke last night, When asked his opinion regarding the action of congress placing $50.000.000 at the president's disposal for the tional defense, Mr. Bryan said: "I am glad the house acted promptly and unanimously. In fact. might have been better to have it .000 to show the world that congress and the American people, without regard to political differences, ready to support the administration in any action necessary for the protection of the honor and welfare of the nation." Troops Ready at Fort Ethan Allen. Essex Junction, March The four troops at Fort Ethan Allen have made all necessary preparations to move at a moment's notice.

It is generally believed here that the unusual I activity at the fort for the past few days was brought about by recent orders from Washington. To every man in the troops, there has been issued 300 rounds carbine and 150 rounds of pistol ammunition. This would be an extraordinary proceeding under usual conditions. Spanish Minister Arrives. New York, March Senor Polo Bernabe, the new Spanish minister.

who succeeds Senor Dupuy de Lome at Washington, was passenger on the steamer Kaiser Wilhelm IL, which arrived at her pier in Hoboken at 6 o'clock last evening. He was most enthusias. tically welcomed by the Spanish consul general and several of his countrymen, Senor Bernabe left this morning for Washington and will probably call on President McKinley this afternoon. For Burial of Maine's Victims. Washington, March Re tive McClellan of New York has introduced a bill in the house appropriating $100,000 for the return of the bodies of the Maine victims to the United States and their burial at public expense at such places as the relatives of the deceased may designate.

The unknown dead, by the terms of the bill, are to be buried in the National cemetery at Arlington, and a suitable monument is to be erected to their memory. War Material For Galveston. Atlanta, March 10. Five carloads of war material for Galveston. and three 10-inch guns bound Pensacola passed through Atlanta last night.

In the Galveston consignment were four steel mortars weighing 117,000 pounds and two carloads of gunpowder. The big guns for Pensacola weighed 62,000 pounds each. All of the way bills for this war material are marked rush. Maine Survivors In New York. New York, March Five of the Maine's crew, the first of the survivors to reach New York, arrived on the steamer Lampasas and at once reported for duty at the Brooklyn navy yard.

All are eager to obtain berths on other ships. They were guarded in their utterances, as Captain Sigsbee had cautioned them against saying anything about the causes of the disaster. Spanish Board of Inquiry Acquits Spain. Havana. March The Spanish board of inquiry has cabled to the minister of in Madrid that the investigation of the wreck of the battleship Maine up to this time shows conclusively that "the upper part of the Maine was blown upward and the hull collapsed through the force of Internal explosions." Shot and Shell For Boston.

Boston, March A consignment of ammunition consisting of 24 tons of shot and shell came in by railroad yesterday and is being transferred by lighter to Fort Warren and the fortifi. cation at Long Island head. This week eight 8-ton guns are to be takeff from Fort Winthrop shipped by rail to some southern port. Catholic Knights Ready to Fight. Springfield, March Major General Lee J.

commander in chief of the Uniform Rank Catholic Knights of America, states that of the 25.000 members of the organization, all well drilled men. 10.000 could be put in the field in 24 hours in case of war. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. Ray Gehrig shot and seriously wound. ed Will B.

Davis and killed himself a dispute over a young woman in Millersville, Pa. They were pupils of a Philadelphia business college, and each was 19 years of age. Mail advices from the Orient tell of a state of anarchy prevailing in the Chinese island of Hainan. George Jackson, a motorman. was killed and William Gardner, a conductor, injured in a collision yesterday between a passenger trolley car and a construction car at Red Bank, N.

J. Plague riots occurred in Bombay, being aimed principally against Christians. Some soldiers and many natives were killer. The riots were the most serious in character that have taken place. A bitten warfare is being waged between the several transportation companies operating tramways and tollroad wagons over the Chilkoot and White passes.

The existence of the smaller companies is involved. CASTORIA. Tho tao- in on simile el gnature every wrapper. Good loans on improved real estate accepted on presentation and money advanced immediately. George P.

Rust. 4 about them that everybody likes. P. O. BLOCK, NEWARK.

THE 707 TO BEE BROAD ST. NEWARK HIVE Truthful Advertising Will Sell Honest Goods. Great Special Ribbon Sale. A beautiful ensemble of the season's most pronounced Fancies at special prices for one week only. Hardly a color.

combination or design missing, and there's an exclusiveness NOT MISS IT. SATIN AND GRO GRAIN RIBBON--AIL silk. very good quality, all colors, 1-2 inches wide. reg ular price 25c. per yard, special at 19C.

BLACK FACE SATIN RIBBON--AIL silk, very fine quality, full five inches wide 50 cents goods at per yard, special 39c. BLACK VELVET RIBBON WITH Satin Back. very good quality, No, 1 3-4. ten yards to a piece, worth 50 cents, special at per piece. 39c.

NO. yards to a piece, worth special at per piece, 49C. TAFFETA RIBBONVERY FINEST quality, all silk. No. 60.

plain and moiree, regular price, special at per yard, 28c. SASH RIBBONS, VERY FINEST quality, all silk entirely new Roman stripes, 7 1-2 inches wide, plaid 8 inches wide, new rich and patterns, ombra 8 plain colors, regular $1 goods, special at per yaro a 84c. of will JERSEY STORE MY LADY'S GOWN for SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR. The advantage we give the ladies over New York stores was never so apparent as now. We have the best and largest stock in the State, many numbers being exclusive.

Our prices are the most favorable for desirable goods. 6c yard- -Lace Stripe Mulls. 5,000 yards fine Lace Stripe Mulls, printed in small neat effects on tinted grounds, so and well worth roc yard. desirable for children's, wear; fast colors 8c yard- -Sheer Lace Lawns. 3,000 yards Printed Sheer Lace Lawns, small chintz floral effects, suitable for wrappers or children's dresses; good for 15c yard.

23c yard -French Organdies. 2,500 yards fine French Organdies, white, tinted and dark grounds, choice printed designs; good value at 35c yard. yard -Printed Batiste. 5,000 yards fine Printed Batiste, in stripes, figures, floral and fancy effects, very popular fabric for summer wear; good value at 200 yard. 50c yard -French Printed Mousseline de Soie, French Mousseline de Soie, a beautiful silk and cotton 2,000 Oriental yards fabric, designs and newest colors; all at soc yard.

75c yard- -Granite Weaves. 46-inch wide Two-tone in all the newest spring colors; good value at yard. Granites, all wool, 98c 1.00 yard- -Imported Whipcord. 46-inch wide AllWhipcords, 15 choice shades, very desirable for tailor-made wool suits, Imported good value 1.25 yard. 1.25 yard--Illuminated Poplins.

48-inch wide Silk and Wool French Poplins, ten new spring colorings, two-tone effects; good value at 1.50 yard. 1.15 yard -Imported Checks. 44-inch wide Silk and Wool Checks, four-tone effects, fifteen choice colorings; good value for 1.50 yard. 1.58-Imported Corded Checks. 48-inch wide Silk and Wool Checks, corded effects, four seven choice colorings; good value at tone, 2.00 yard.

1.75 yard Roman Strips Borders. 48-inch wide Two-Tone Granites, with Roman stripe borders, ten new spring colorings; good value at 2.25 yard. High Class Paris Novelties at 2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 3.00, 3.10 and 3.50 yard. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. We extra NOTE-Goods charge for packing.

at Any Station in New Jersey. Delivered Free Railroad HAHNE NEWARK, N. J. Every Man Who Thinks of razors, strops, hones, brushes, mugs and soaps should think of J. Wiss and Sons.

This store is the home of everything man needs to make his shaving a pleasure. Here you will find what you want every time. All kinds. All styles. ALL GOOD.

And not a cent more' to pay, the goods are worth; EVERY PENNY GOES FOR REAL VALUE. SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK. Wade and Butcher's, razors, hollow ground good value at regular price, $1, special price 75 cents. Our own make, hollow ground, bonehandle, regular $1.25, special 81. Our own make, fine hollow handle, regular special $1.25.

Wade Butcher's hollow ground, extra highly finished, regular $2.00, special $1.50 Horse Double Hide (leather Swing and Straps, regular 25cents; special 15 cents each. canvas) swingstraps, regular special 35c. German Belt Strap, regular special 30 cents. EYE GLASS PERFECTION. L.

fitting B. eye Hilborn, glasses overcome nature's defects. Our eye Perfect will specialist, No or (R. fitsglasses accurately, scientifically, perfectly. pinch, tilt slip if yourglasses have Hilborn's 4 clip.

Attached to any frame for 50c. J. Wiss Sons, Gold Cutlery and Cut Silversmiths, Glass. 755 Broad Street, Newark. A HOME Pleasure DYEING Last.

MAYPOLE at NEW OLD SOAP. STYLE STYLE WASHES AND DYES (-MAYPOLE AT ONE OPERATION WASHES SOAP DYES ANY COLOR. The Cleanest, Fastest Dye for Soiled or Faded Shirt Waists, Blouses, Ribbons, Curtains, Underlinen, No Muss. No Trouble. whether Silk, Satin, Cotton or Wool.

Sold in All by Grocers and Druggists, or mailed free for 15 cents; Address, THE MAYPOLE SOAP DEPOT, 127 Duane Street, New York. DUCKSTUHI A BROS. PIANOS 1 The Buckstuhl Piano needs no introduction, for its makers have always aimed at producing a high-grade instrument, and the success that has attended their efforts, is the best guarantee that they have accomplished their purpose. Whenever good Pianos are mentioned, the Ruckstuhl will have a host of advocates familiar with its excellence. Sold for cash or installment.

RUCKSTUHL BROTHERS, Manufacturers, de Park Ave, Warerooms, 808 Main Are, Kip Block, Passaic COMEZ HEARS IT. (Continued from 6th Page.) be misconstrued. It was thought that the approval given by the queen to the president's course might be distasteful. in certain quarters and might be regarded influencing the president's actions in the future. "There was another reason, however, which had its weight the direction of secrecy.

The attitude of Britain goes further in this matter than a mere expression of good wishes. There is a desire, which has yet only reached the stage of tentative suggestion, that an alliance may be formed between Great Britain and the United States. It has been shown that the interests of England and this country are not only identical in a general sense, but are especially identical in the great question of Anding in China and the east a market for manufactures. This suggestion has considerable weight with the administration. Great Britain is finding her supremacy in China seriously threatened.

France has already established herself on the south and Russia is aggressive on the north, while Germany has secured a strong foothold. If England proposes to hold her own she must fight for it. This explains why she is forbidding her ship owners to part with the ssels they are structing and accounts for the large increases she is making in her Vy. "It was the suggestion that if. the United States would afford to Great Britain her moral support in case of trouble in the east she would offer us her sympathy and practical aid in any trouble that threatened with Spain that resulted in a discussion of the eastern question in the cabinet meeting last Tuesday.

The administration appreclates the value of this friendly attitude. Although it is well understood that in this country It will be impossible for the navy placed at the disposal of Great Britain in upholding British supremacy in the east, there are many ways in which our influence could be exerted with effect in British behalf." BRITONS FRIENDLY. London Papers Praise McKinley's Attitude on the Cuban Question. London, March The Dally ChronIcle, in an editorial this morning on the Cuban situation. describes President McKinley's action throughout the crisis 88 "a model of It declares that the action of the Washing-.

ton government in connection with the Maine disaster deserves the highest recognition. "There is every indication," says The Dally Chronicle, "that the United States are preparing for the inevitable struggle. Soon it will be necessary for Great Britain to show on which side its sympathies lie." Arguing at considerable length upon the "unselfishness of America's motives in desiring to put an end to the hell upon earth in Cuba' and insisting that "America has a better right to interfere than has been put forward as a justification In two out of every three wars in history, The Daily ChronIcle says: hope Great Britain will not only gO as far officially as the furthest limits on of International law permit, but that public opinion will declare itself openly, unmistakably and in the teeth of all Europe if necessary as sympathizing heartily with the motives impelling America at last to take a step so natural and yet one she has so long hesttated take. same time we wish it. were possible to persuade Spain, even at the eleventh hour, that her honor and Cuba might be saved by the recognition of inevitable facts.

To bid Cuba be free would be a hard task, but it would be the safest and most dignified course." The Daily News says editorially this morning: crediting the United States with the generous error of giving the world a noble example of sacrifice for peace by unpreparedness for war, we are glad to see that they have shown themselves wise in time." WILL NOT SELL TO SPAIN. High Government Official Says Brazil Has Sold Vessels to the United States. New York, March The Herald this morning prints the following from its correspondent at Rio Janeiro: "Brazilian government officials persist in denying that Brazil has sold any warships, but I am informed on high authority that she has sold one or. more of her vessels now building in Europe to the United States. "As for Spain, I am authorized to state that if there were negotiations on her part for the purchase of ships from Brazil latter country refused to sell, for very obvious reasons.

"Brazil has in the Armstrong shipyards at Newcastle three cruisers the same type--the Amazonas, the Bar. rozo and a third vessel not yet named. The vessels are each 300 feet in length and 44 feet in breadth. They have twin screws. Their tonnage is 3.600 and their horsepower 7,500.

They are pected to attain a speed of 20 knots. The cruisers cost £300,000 each." The Herald adds: "From his correspondent in Rio Janeiro Charles R. Flint of this city has received a cable dispatch announcing that the government of Brazil had neither authorized nor sanctioned the sale to Spain of the Amazonas or her sister warship, which are now being structed by the Armstrongs in England." The Herald also publishes the following from its Valparaiso correspondent: reported sale of her new war. ship, the 'Higgins. which has just been completed in Europe, is still denied by government officials here.

They continue to laugh at the report. and state that it is an absurd canard." Rush Contracts on Government Work. Reading. March The Carpenter Steel works has been asked to bid on over 11,000 shells of various sizes for the government. The contract would amount to nearly $1,750.000.

The entire plant is now working night and day on a government contract involving the expenditure of $1,000.000. The Pennsylvania Diamond Drill Manufacturing company, at Birdsboro, has received execute work known as "reassembling" upon the 5- inch segmental tube wire gun recently built by the company and accepted by the government. The gun was tested at Sandy Hook, and 216 shots were fired, by the government. It is 19 feet long and weighs tons. It fires a shot weighing 60 pounds, at the test attained maximum battery pressure of 65,000 pounds per square inch.

The muzzle velocity was 3,235 feet per second, and the maximum range 9 miles. The work will be completed in If the Baby is Cutting Teeth, Be sure and use that old and well-tried remedy, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrap, for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoca. Twenty-Ave cents a bottle.

It is the best of all. 13-3mW-F SATIN RIBBON, DOUBLE FACED cord-edge, very good quality, all silk, good assortment of colors, and black. No. 22 and 40, worth 29 and 35 cents, special at yard 25c. SASH RIBBON, TAFFETA MOIRE -Very best quality, four inches.

wide. all colors, worth 89c. special at per yard 69c. NEW FANCY. RIBBON.

PLAIN, Roman stripe, plaids, checks 3 1-2 and 3 3-4 inches wide, worth special at per yard, 15c. SPECIAL DISCOUNT. (PASSAIC NEWS.) Present this counon at the Bee Hive any time between this issue and April 1st; 1808 and it will entitle you to 10 Per Cent. Discount purchases- that you make in our store excepting goods selling at special price. I.

S. PLAUT Newark, N. J. No Agents or Branch Stores Anywhere Mail Orders Filled. Deliveries Free.

L. S. PLAUT 707 to 721 Broad St. 8 Cedar Newark, N. J.

IF You are about to build we can supply you with LUMBER AND MASON'S MATERIALS. For Plastering you will want to 1se KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT. We are the Sole Agents in Passaic and Vicinity. THE ANDERSON LUMBER CO. All this week in every line- Umbrellas, Reductions Canes, Leather Goods.

Gentlemen's silk and linen Umbrellas, steel roil, best frame. silver trimmed, case and tassel. $2, were $3. Ladies' Twilled Silk Umi in maroon and blue, dresden bandies, steel rod and frame, $2, were $2.75. Olive Suit Cases, steel frame, $2.50 instead of $3.23, Repairing and making of Umbrellas- our business.

"GREEN," The Umbrella Man. Broad and Market Newark. N. J. Found Guilty of Forgery.

Bridgeport. March Warren D. Merwin, charged, with forging the name of C. W. Jacobson to two checks one for 8500 and the other for $350, was found guilty in the superior criminal court this afternoon and sentenced by Judge Elmer to four years.

in state prison. The trial had been in progress nearly two weeks. Prominent Clergyman Dead. Louisville, March David Morton, D. secretary of the board of church extension of the Methodist Episcopal church south, died at his residence in this city today of blood poisoning, aged 69 years.

For the past 16 years Dr. Morton had been one of th: most conspicuous figures in the Methedist church. TO CURE A COLD INO NE DIY. fake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if It fails to cure.

25c. The genuine has L. P. Q. ou each tablet.

GOODWIN, 204 Main Ave. Sunday Rumton America. Corned Reef and Prime Specjalties, 123-4m ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS ASKYOUR DEALER FOR THEM NOTICE In pursuance of an order of Charles King. State Surrogate of the County notice of Passaic, fu the of New Jersey, is hereby, given to the Creditors of the estate of Jane Kievit, late of said County, deceased. to bring in their Debts, Demands and: Claims against the same under oath.

to the subseribers, execitors of said deceased. in nine months from the Twenty-sixth day of January, A. eighteen: hundred and being the date of said order: and if any such creditor shall neglect to bring in and exhibit his or her Debt, Demand or Claim. within said period cf dine months, such creditor shall be forever barred of his or her action therefor, against the said Executors. Dated.

Paterson, the 26th day of January, A. H. 1808. CORNELIUS KIEVIT, KRYN KIEVIT. 327 9t lew NOTICE.

In' pursuance of an order of Charles M. King. Surrogate af the County of Passaic. in the State of New Jere notice 1s hereby given to the sey. Creditors of the estate of Moses E.

Worthen, 'Inte of said County, deceased. 10 bring in their Debts. Demaude and Claims against the same under cath, to the subscribe er, executor or nine said deceased, within months from the seventh day of January. A. eighteen hundred and ninety eight, being the date of said order: and if any such credshall neglect to bring in and exhibit his itor or her Debt.

Demand or Claim. within the said period of nine months, such creditor shall be forever barred of his or her action therefor, against the sald Executor. Dated, Paterson, the serenth day of January, A. 1838. TRUST SAFE DEPOSIT CO.

PASSAIC CHAS. M. HOWE, President. Frank J. Marley.Roadmaker General Contractor Estimates given on private drives, paths and carriage ways.

Broken Lime and Trap Rock stone for sale. Steam Road Roller to let Office with Passaic Advertising 8 Bloomfield Ave. TEAS COFFEES in Canisters AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Ten Set, Toilet Set, Watch or Clock FREE. with 20 pounds 60c.

co*ckatoo Tea, any kind; and a beautif present with evers pound. Coffers, 12c. Send for new flinstrated reduced price- Order now by mail 20 porinds Tea. and get your Premium and Special Presente. Goods delivered Free.

Send this ad. and and we will mail you a 3 pound best Tea imported. any kind, THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA 31 and 33 Vesey N. P. 0.

Box 289. ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given that the accounts of the subscribers as: Executors of John M. Howe, late of the County of Passale, deceased, be audited and stated by the Surrofor. gate of the County of Passale, and reported intermediate settlement to the- Court of said County, on the day April next.


HOWE. Dated February 10, 1898. 110 31 1ew.

Passaic Daily News from Passaic, New Jersey (2024)
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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.