The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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THE SPRINGIELD' DAILY NEWS SPRINGIELD MASS SATURDAY EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT LIVESTOCK MERCHANDISE REAL ESTATE OR SALE 32 Help Wanted 1 emale Male Help Wanted 33 33 61 84 Radios A Main St Male 33 OREMAN Wearing Apparel PRECISION GAUGE WORK GIRLS WANTED APPLY To Buy POWERS PAPER CO WA5ON AVE 9 ANNOUNCEMENT Houses for Sale 84 rrCVBN ARMS CO laborers BROADWAY CHICOrSE ALLS EXCELLENT PAY WILL BE OPEN OR INTERVIEWS TUESDAY THURSDAY EVENINGS on ROM to 9 St be sots for Sale EN THE TIRE DIVISION Male or emale ROOMS AND BOARD 67 MERCHANDISE Articles for Sale 51 Booms Without Board 8 ALL POCKETS 2 used 3 MEN rood character Heal Estate 5 $60 Automobile Instruction quite Put uel and eed ood Things to Eat TEA room RUGS OUNTAIN Household Goods or Ohl Gnld MAIN A BRIDGE ST OREMAN INANCIAL Rooms for Housekeeping 69 Business Opportunities 38 6TLD WIRE A TINSEL CO Phelon Art West Springfield Mans Personal inancing 202 PT PLIASANY AVI Money to txian GAUGE GRINDE6 TOP PAY LOAN? Business Places for Kent INSTRUCTION Rouses for Bent 45 a Jewelry and Watches 223 1609 LIVESTOCK 986 11 3500 60 43500 Milling Dept Capable cf aurrvlalng spiral tool work 100 work 34500 T9 000 two 16000 Must be on Van with kt by TOOLMAKERS Juniors and Seniors LATHE HANDS Long Experience SPRINGIELD Phone 2 5155 Hotel In Wales Cheap TABULATING SUPERVISOR STATE SALARY DESIRED URNITURE GORDON REID 2 3271 SWEET CIDER apples at farm Brine containers Klhhe South Rd Hamp tenement of an unusually 2 family house to be VA WERK OCTOBER 17 1942 STEADY EMPLOYMENT GOOD SA LAP S'KRESGE CO man wanted to general porter DOES THE t'Tt'BE INTEREST YOU? RESIDENTTAI REAL ESTATE OR SALE On with experience In custom maderapetree and clip covers preferred but wa Will teach a woman who will apple het to learn a profitable trade Here ttf jour chance tn advance with a firm that Srowlrg at the same time be paid well leading curtain shop REQUIRES THE SERVICES AX EXPERIENCED SEWER VARSITY MANUACTURING CO 133 UNION ST NIGHT sh*t OR SUPERVISION WHITE AIRCRAT COR PALMER MASS ATLY MOORE DROP ORGING CO 336 BIRNIE AVE I SALARIED POSITION IELD REPRESENTATIVE "WITH OR WITHOUT AUTOMOBILE PRESS OR LITHOGRAPH EEDER VO AGE LIMIT PERMANENT OPPORTUNITY MILTON RADUEY CO 74 PARK STREET DHNSON'S BOOKSTORE PAYS CASH for Used Books Antique orfeiture and Antiques 1379 Main St Dial 2 6221 Defense Work HADLEY'S URNITURE CO 1330 Main St MAN 24 40 married or single MUST BE IRST CLASS MEN IDEAL WORKING CONDITIONS PLENTY OVERTIME MR BJORN TEL 2 4126 STRINGIELD BUICK COMPANY 630 MAIN ST KITTREDGE Inc 1354 MAIN ST TEL 6 0373 CASH (It II CUI II SHOPPE 200 WOR1 HINGKIV several openings for STRONG HUSKY MEN or relief work Applv manager Park Square Hotel Westfield Mass STERLING A orr txc CADILLAC DEALER 92 MEMORIAL AVE WEST SPLD TWO SETTER PUPS REG 7 MOS OLDCALL 8346 'END 4 ft 5 rm mnd apt nrjy dec orated Adulti only JaJ Pleasant outdoor work HOUSEHOLD INANCE CORP 1387 MAIN ST ROOM 3T NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ORM TOOL A GAGE SURACE GRINDER HANDS: also TOOLMAK ERS Must be first class Excellent pay Hay State Tool Machine Co 4 12 Albany st Tn addlLan ft Tegular ori14 ment hours OTATO land for rent The best 75 to 100 acre? West Chesterfield John Adams 143 Bridge St Tel Spfld 2 8314 If TO ft KRESGE CO MEN ANTED 16 YEARS AND OVER EXPERIENCE not necessary APPLY MILTON BRADLEY CO 74 PARK ST CHANGE old watches for new rah fnr old gold elver diamonds antique jewel Watches clocks jewels repaired GRIMES 2d fl Bookstore Bldg 2 0118 OR SALE Leaving town Must sell American Colonial in new residential sec 4 months old 5 large rm? screen porch 2 car gar $6900 Tel 3 9469 222 Birth certificate or citizenship papers required for identification 6 DAY 100 WAR WORK Excellent Wage and Steady Work Apply to Mr Benjamin ISK TIRE PLANT CHICOPEE ALLS MASS NOTE: EMPLOYMENT OICE OPEN Monday Evening October 19th 7 to 9 PM 56 OR SALE 200 cards of pine and hem lock slab wood Ray Stockwell Ash field Mass WASHMAN Experienced good pay best working conditions modern equipment Apply immediately Scott Laundry 246 Chestnut St REPAIR SHOP at Winchester Sq Low rent Inq 786 State St Tel 70277 Single 8 rooms in good repair Steam heat fireplace 2 baths tlYfifi Urge lot JOAUV Heady for Immediate Occupancy TERMS CALL 6 83S1 THESE ARE VACANT 111 Maplewood Ter completely modem ized rooms new eteam oil bras 3750 60 Burton Street 7 ronme eteam oil 2 gar well built quiet nighborhood ftp duced price LAQG REALTOR 19 Elm St Tel t6 R39 MACHINE OPERATORS Me to dn own set up Norman BridgeportMillers To be trained managed for gasf and club work Career aaaured when qualified Tel Chicopee 1262 machine has iiever been 2 582? CHECK THE OTHERS AND THEN CHECK HADLEYS or the biggest buys in rugs SAVE 20 to 40 Lowest prices in new England Home of nationally famous makes Mat Inna 1 organization baa vacancy for rrted woman 26 45 Ad ailewanra and expense ESTTELD 325 acre tobacco or potato farm 250 acres of tillable land Beautiful house 13 tob sheds price is right John Adams 143 Bridge St Tel Spfld 2 8314 HOUSEHOLD INANCE CORP 1387 MAIN ST ROOM 923 3RD NATIONAL BANK BLDG WOMEN from 25 to for light ware bowb work Pay comparable to men Applicant interviewed all day Including Saturday Apply at Western Auto Ware house 20) Rrlnd WOMEN WANTED tor our cake dept Ex perience not necessary We will train you Apply office Bond Baker 117 Completely furnished 1383 MAIN ST (2nd floor) License Johnson's Bookstore Bldg A ROOM Next to bath shower parking space Gent only 344 St color preasmen for Michie presses Steady job for competent men at good salaries union shop ine working Write to I' TLUESS General Manager Polygraphic Corp of America North Bennington Vt A NT tailor good pay Write Tssel 27 Main St Great Barrington lass WOMAN OR YOUNG Living In Ludlow or Indian Orchard to work io lamcheenette Concession In Ludlow Mfg ft Sales Co Write or apply at New 6 rm brick house 38 Court St Westfield Master bedroom fireplace laige living room tile bath extra lav attached heated garage brass plumb ing metal aash copper screens extrfti large lot cost $8600 Sale price 37600 Terms arranged to suit Open5 for in spection daily 720 to 9 Sun 2 4 rn Conley Westfield 1019 EXCEP pleasant front room near Bay St Parking Tel 2 9827 ItADlO REPAIRLNG ree estimates 57 Pendleton Ave Tel 3 95 6 9 SINGLES Cornell St Pleasant Ave Stratford Ter Dwight 55 Waverly St (attached singles) Longmeadow St AT 100 Plum tree Rd "New not 4 5 6 rms 3 miles from city hall See them today! Bean Rush 392 Alien St 52 54 2 tamlly 5 5 rtoms down Balance eaay terms Tehan Realtor 9 10 Court MECHANIC Excellent opportunity for eapahl man to a steady job with better than average earnings Dogs Cats Pets 47 BEAUTIUL English wetter and pointer puppies Best in blood lines A Blaine uller St Txidlow Turn left aft er crossing bridge and procede 1 mile 60 A Mod 5 room house barn chicken would make good summer place 13 Bridge St I I a14 MCLELLAN'S 1439 A BEST CASK PRICES ALL USED URNITURE Rugs Stoves' Heaters Beds SPRINGS Clinton urn 2 8512 A BETTER CASH deal for your used furn urn Mart 14 ort Street 7 2793 TWO QUALIIED WOMEN or special outside contact work by nation wide casualty Insurance company Position does not Involve selling Starting salarvt rate nt juso a jear Salary paid during weeks trainmg school Boston College education necessary Ag 23 29 Earlv imerview granted on basis of written rec erd of ediicotimi bunin experience gen era! qualifications Send inexpensive photo aph and phnn number Address Box ad Union Office AA lash guns for all cameras See our new game dept Camera Luggage Shop 1657 Main St GKALEX Series 4x5 Graflex sheet film magazine 12 septums film pack adaptor (45 lens 7 inch 355 Memorial Square Drug 2236 Main St GOATS or sale 1 reg Toggenburg Grade 1 Sanan 1 Alpine 3 7600 WANTED Several hand for electric denominating machines Call 6 2979 WANTED Steady work Good pay isher rnductg 103 Nursery St CLASSIIED DISPLAY WAITRESSES OR STRONG OMAN to do cleaning rood pay steady work Hotel Victoria 166 state St TO SETTLE AN ESTATE 21 33 Windsor St famlly 5U0 2 famJ3500 33 Hawley St single store $3009 ISR 190 Carew St fam Marble St 36000 sq ft land M00 STLD SAE DEPOSIT A TRUST CO Real Estate Dept TeL 7 4321 A 4 rms 1 car gar 47 Gil rnan St coal burning boiler 4350 Tel SEE ifh STEARNS SHOP 1S7 A 1 MACMILLAN A BON REALTORS 154 Broadway 6 S338 or 6 1564 PRESSER experienced machine presser full or part time Good pay State Clean erg 128 State St WANTED 2 MEN OR ESTABLISHED BAKERY ROUTES Must be ambitious and willing tn learn 'TUUU J1UUKN XV AUKS HIGH rrmannt 52 Weeks of the Year uau lor appointment 3146 or apply tween 9 am and 7 pm BOND BAKERS 38 MILL ST SPRINGIELD MASS TWO AMILIES Cass St SPLD SAE DEPOSIT TRUST CO Rpal Estate Dept 12 7 State St Tel 7 4321 Here Ip a rhahce for you to make monev John Adams 143 Bridge St Spfld 2 8314 PRESSER on ladies coats Kinder Cn 317 Dwight St Situations Wanted Male 3 OR VA CANCIES 1 OR SALE Hotel Williamsburg Complete Price Hotel Chesterfield Good convalescent hospital Very reasonable Business Equipment 52 Seeds Plants ertilizers TERMS to fit YOU MR RIDDELL COLT IRE ARMS CO HARTORD CONN Better get busy folk! Good vsllsble hnmp ro a rr Cinu X'UI you 11 t1? Iter! Go on call NOW 1 i ACU DIAMONDS OLD GOLD SILVER PLATINUM THREE AUTO MECHANICS ALSO AUTO WASHER Highest wagee: serving 90 War Workers SEE MR ROSS ARTHUR CENTER INC tOu COLUMBUS AVE 1 Cor Mulberry 14 rm tingle 5 baths 4 fireplaces acrificp JSSCP WITCHBOARD operator clerical work A typist Box 992 Union Office ftAPER box girls for generally factory work Apply Cutler 4k Schermerhorn Inc 165 ront St Chicopee I ANT RT and kitchen girls wanted Ap at ply Highland Hotel 4 TR ESSE for marhine pressing Good pay 1M Will train inexperienced girl State Cleaner 121 State Salesladies wanted apply neis 2 til 1 Wanted fnr full part limo employment' age tn 59 year Knterprleo Stnra Alain Street Horses Cattle Vehicles at Kast Longmeadow Oct ISth 1 pm Benefit! Sandwich Counter GrL Drug Chain Eg rHenr Call in person between 9 a and WESTOVER IELD EX PONY CART Saddle harness Tel Thomp sonville 4138 PDLE HORSE (5 gaited stallion) 1050 lbs best of manners has taken several ribbons Tel 2 5319 horses t0 board Call Holyoke WOMAN Mr housework 41 care Of aeml Invalid Call 6 O72J J' OMa3j for randy cigar dept Also cs e114 drk LUgett a 1513 Main 8L A BETTER price for your live poultry1 Harry Solomon 294 ountain St ALL LIVE POULTRY wanted good prices I Kaplan 134 Knollwood St 3 5403 ALWAYS best prices paid for poultry Su perman 993 Memorial Ave 3 2371 EGGS WANTED Our truck will call at your farm pay cash for your eggs find a BUUII1V 3articulars write ricks 1266 Columbus Ave Boston Mass GOOD PULLETS WANTED Any size high prices paid also broilers fowls quick truck service Hughes Spfld 2 6134 POULTRY Purina Growena is a balanced ration built to help your birds grow fast and mature early Methe's Checkerboard Store 36S Taylor St City roasting chickens fowls broilers We pay more Zelazo 3 2310 100 NEAR laying pullets wanted 26 Spaulding Tel 638 Amherst 350 LAYING Parmenter Reds also others younger 135 up 75 at 51 Cash or part credit pfld 2 6134 50 UJGb for sale from 0 to 60 pounds Box 88 Si East St So Amherst Mass room lower fine 14 room CANT THIS VACANT NOW are 6 big rooms on first floor of a modern 12 room 2 family Spacious 6 room eingle home on one of the Park finest streets TO BE VA CATED THIS WEEK With 4 bedrooms 2 baths on second floor and bedroom and bath on third floor this fine gaa heated home Is READY NOW for one of those larger families 6 sunny rooms on the second floor of a 12 room 2 family can be yours NO VEMBER 1st Another beautifully conditioned 7 room single home wdli be ready for you on NOVEMBER 1st A more modest 6 room single VACANT 8 A compact 6 room single In Longmeadow to be done over completely VACANT NOVEMBER 1st or Established Bakery Routes Excellent opportunity available for men who are steady ambitious and who will do an honest work 530 weekl is the jvm cin nave mn who are earning between 50 end weekly 52 weeka ayear MR HOUIHAN HATHAWAY BAKERY 355 CHESTNUT ST TO 11 AND i TO WANTED Superintendent to take com plete charge ot newly organized setup I'aper Box Industry on defense work Must have complete knoweldge of paper box machinery plan production and or ganize labor State qualifications in de tail and specify when possible to be interviewed Excel opportunity Box 2095 Union Office WANTED Several men to work In scrap iron yard who can drive trucks Mr Jacobs rear of 221 Taylor St or 3 5513 WANTED first class mechanic good pay for right Apply Trailways of New Eng land Garage 230 Memorial Ave West Spfld Jewelry and Wa tehes CAPH for Diamonds Old Gold Sliver Platinum KITTREDGE INC 1354 Main St Tel 5 0373 TRUCK DRIVERS wanted nT England ruit Produce Co 171 Lyman St TWO STRONG MEN to help unload cars good hours no Saturday work Armour Co Tel 6 2751 St 2 316 LONGMEADOW Green Acre Ave 6 rms modern single and gar Vacant S7SOO Easy terms Taylor Co 3 9513 or JI 0 A A HON ST 52900 5500 John Houe Pl TpI 3 0217 SALESLADIES WANTED WOMEN wanted No experience necessary defen work We teach you Cogswell Mfg Co 149 Normon St West pflrt YOUNG LADY 17 or over to work to 1 or 12 to 6 on soda fountain Ligrett 741! Main St YOUNG Soda fountain ft waJtree RESTAURANT HELP waitresses room board good pay good lips Cafe Mid way op poslte Westinghouse SHORT oft DE COOK wanted once Colonial Cafe 1163 Main St WANTED ORGANIST ft choir director Please write or phone Miss Dorothv Bridges Tel No 103W Chicopee 9 Morton Chicopee alls Mass WANTED at once 2 males or females for light work in ke cream manufacturing plant clean habits and good health re quired No experience necessary See Mr Baudin Skipton Co 755 Worthing ton St EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted emale Money to Loan CASH PAID on watches diamonds jewel rv Court Square Jewelers New address REEMAN'S 170 Worthington St MORTGAGE LOANS If you need money to buy build or refinance your present home Lomas Co 23 Elm St 6 3637 BRIDGE TABLES olding chairs ft reception room furniture See Max at our furniture annex 8 7 Broadway (The Broadway Office ft Equipment Co) BOOTHS for cafe Cheap 590 Dwight WE STILL have new or ued filing cabinets card files desks tables chairs transfer files type desks etc Holyoke Auction Co Holyoke EXPERIENCED OPERATORS on Mwiag macnino also eaaminara Bliaa Uader aarmeaU 1S ront St Chicopea Mana MXP or modern mark mach good pay beat working cond Apply wot I Laundry24 Chrotnut Street i EXPERIENCED salesladies tn coats ard dreseea full or part time Good pay Tel 4 4451 GIRLS WANTED Royce Superior Lauo dry 21 Clinton White or colored good wages steady work Martin'a Laundry 84 Cen tral PL GIRL OR WOMEN Learn mnltf graphing no experience necessary work tn ad vertlaing dept Apply Mr Asher Had Jey'a urnUure J33S Main MEN wanted to operate machines No ex nenenc netssary We teach you Cogs eJj Co 140 Norman St West bpfid MEN WANTED from 16 to 60 for ware house work Apply Western Auto Supply Varebouse 201 Rowland St 1 LLWKIGHT wanted having experience in textile mills Oxford Carpet Com pany Ware Mass NIGHT PORTER WA TCI IMA a nnw good pay Apply Hotel Brldgway Emp Service 31 Elm St clerk typist bookkeeper insurance salesman Musical Dancing Dramatic 44 BALLROOM Accordion piano voice and guitars Mme Beauregard School of Music 1634 Main St 2 6317 HOUSEMAN Wanted Sheraton Hotel Apply to housekeeper SULATION We have an openixtr for the right man in onr rock wool division or app't call 770 kT ol Ni manager Park Square HotL Wertfleld Mata KITCHEN porter wanted Elderly man preferred Apply HotI Highland der' to tala Print ing Co 42 Hampden St Tel 3 911 MAN to help with garage work ExperT mr preferred Byrra 34 Sumner WANTED by elderly lady partly furn room with board in quiet priv family Park Section preferred Phone 6 8097 TlItrSWTOirRENT' Private Instruction STENOGRAPHIC Secretarial Bookkeep ing course ppen now Catalog fre Bay Path Institute 10 Chestnut St 6 2704 Potae diction defective voice cor rerted Ten Chicopee 1262 57 APPLES Pick your own Sprayed dellc ious and winesapa 426 Rogers Ave WS BALDWINS Macs Snows Spies Cortland and Grimes Low prices Bring cont Shaw Parker St Longmeadow PICK YOUR own Baldwin apples Tween the Maples arm Route 57 Tolland 50c per bushel We still have plenty TICK youg own apples 75c bushel Bald win and Greens also cider Call 90 Main St Chic alls 1072 PERMANENT POSITION Is available for a mature man to repre ALEXANDER HAMILTON IN ''T1TLTE In the Springfieldterritory He snould be between the ages nf 40 and 60 and should have a background that will stand thorough invesUgatlon The success ful applicant will receive thorough train ing he will be supplied with complete selling equipment he will receive loads that come to the Institute as a result of intensive advertising and he will be riv en the EXCLUSIVE right to represent the Institute In the territory assigned to him No investment or bond Is required and ihr compensation will we believe be most satisfactory to the successful representa tive as it Is based on both commission and bonuses No automobile Is necessary as the work does not require indis criminate eollcitation or a personal interview address Division Manager Box 2099 Union Office ull or part time wanted Bnx IPS Union Office IN BOYS Work from 8 a to 5 Bowl Cent 503 State 4 9243 PLUMBER and experienced helper 890 St James Ave Phone 6 0103 PORTER ull oY part time 1411 Main St EXCEP buy for quick sale single mod house 235 pak St jndian Orchard IRGLADE AVE 77 79 16 rm duplex house and gar Large lot Good loca tion $6500 easy terms A Taylor Co 3 9818 or 6 1381 BEST garden loam Gardens 1457 Riverdale St West Springfield 3 6S0S HIGH GRADE loam 55 per load Call from 6 to 9 a 5 to 10 4 4828 RICH ARM LOAM AND LANDSCAPING GXLL RUSSQ 6 3916 A GAUGE and tool makers Must be tops No age limit highest wages plus monthly bobus Industrial Mfg Co 48 Hampdan St cor Columbus Ave Tel 6 698 ACTIVE GAUGE and tool' wanted to take charge of small nigh shift Good pay and bonus to right man Write 988 Union Offlc A CLOSEOUT New Breakfast and Din ette sets in porcelain maple Bakelite Chrome and oak at tremendous savings Wholesale urniture Warehouse 15 Ham den AIR LOW studio divan slightly used Also chrome red leather chairs 350 Boston Rd corner BlueTrailer A TTENT IONJ! Closing our 1080 State St Warehouse for theeduratlon Brand new furniture at old prices Open eves 6 tn 9 pm URNITURE 890 State St Open 9 am to 9 pm AXMINSTJiR 9x12 prewar quality large section big savings Union urni ture 1054 South Main St BIG SAVINGS! Oil burners oil stoves combination ranges Also wood burn ers Miller's 1935 Main St Terms WEST SPRINGIELD Here Is a home for a man with family TT I rzx a aa3 i a 1 rrurnoms re neat coal fired Good neighborhood the hill 12 Angelina St ThH one priced right Call for appointment ULL AM STEED Bank Building 6 6351 91 Elm WEST ALVORD ST 52 A 2 familv eteam heat modern 2 car earage 36000 Tel 0 8381 89 OR QUICK SALE Liat your property with a hustler Results gidkrantteea HARVEY REALTY 115 State 4 5279 HAVE CLIENTS with considerable cash List your property with GIESCHI 3 7535 If you want a permanent salaried ronnr there ia advancement national firm that le growing can offer you no excellent opportunity to do pleaeant out nur reprewntative tvnh or without car you will be given Plus ur that If you have the quali fication it will he worth your while to ta lk over with Mr our local Branch Manager GROCERY store going business for sale located at 360 Walnut St 3 7383 ILLNESS forces sale of high grade meat ft grocery store High grade fixtures ft large stock Box 112 Union Office RETAIL grocery store full line of high grade merchandise and fixtures Inquire 6 8734 Rooms With Board THE CHEERUL HEARTH 99 SCHOOL ST VACANCY OR GENTLEMAN CALL MISS 6 49 9 5 PARK SECTION Room board newly furnished twin beds Tel 6 1157 BELMONT AVE Room next to bath with board for gentleman 6 5022 CUiA TAIN Manager emale Drug Cham Experience Cail In person be tween 9 a and 4 WESTOVER IELD EXCHANGE STENOGRAPHER Good with figures Some experience Mack Motor Truck Co Ofcborne Ter TENOGR A PH wanted State expri ence and salary expected Bx 114 Un ion Office Poultry and Supplies 49 I Dogs rats Cets 47 A INE SELECTIVE of springer spaniel pups elig AKC 9 wks Marjorie Wib Hams AS9 Main St Amherst Tel 463 ALL BREEDS DOGS BOARDED In Sanitary Kennels With Individual Runs RWELL KENNELS 50 West SL eeding Hills 6 1305 ELDERLY To care for 3 cows horse chickens garden odd chore ex cellent room A board State wages jn Southern Rerkehires Box 2162 Union ELEVATOR No ageHlmlU If you are active Hotel Victoria EXPERIENCED ROOER and helper Tel 3 9252 IREMAN for low pressure boiler and janitor work Park Square Hotel West field IREMAN wanted Apply Engine Room Hotel Kimball IREMAN SECOND CLASS LICENSE CALL 2 5151 IRST pilntcr paperhanger Wil fred Keller 36 Prospect St Thomp TPISTS Excellent opportunity to be rome linotype operators steady work lasses starting immediately Pay while learning Apply 16 ort St ret YP1ST and office clerk wanted? Rtate ex penence and salary expected Box 116 i nion Office 2 shop Honeymoon HMmbUrT Rmarttrav i WAITRESSES chambermaids 311 week nd APPy Smith College Employment Office Northampton Mass or full or part time 6 jvvRwimos st American Lunch 162 Main St WAITRESS WANTED Hppyland Res taurant 6UPage Blvd Tcf 4 9515 ANTED competent maid for gen 3 In family Telephone after noon or evening 3 9529 to B0 er rcund xs nJ1 sporting Goods Inc Birme Ave AV A competent and reliable womanuS d2r Ycck' com noon rook and aerye lunch and dinner and do aome light rlean'ng for adult famllv of excellent pay Longmeadow 6 3243 3V ANTED jounc seaman for general atore work good wages good hours Raleigh Drue Co fnc YVHITE or colored woman for housework to days Exceptionally good pay Dinners Call 3 tSM iW'OSl EXor cleaning work mornings Good pay sceady work Call 4 945 after io a The eXM Restaurant 59 Sumner Ave S' OMEN DRIVERS for dry cleaning esab lisbment Apply 1159 State St HEAD BAKER WANTED Take charge of quality retail ahop An excellent opportunity for a man desiring a change Vory good aaiary Applv nt once to Bakery 130 Elm Sc Weet field HELPER WANTED or light inside work good pay Tel 4 3553 HOTEL Good position open for class hotel room clnrk Box 408 Union Office Steady work apply house keeper Hotel Brideway BATHTUB Lavatory 6 section radiator 1 hp motor 3 phase 2 3639 IVO41Y kitchen heater with almost new Silent Glow oil burner suitable for eook ing Call after 630 pm 2 5310 MOLASSES BARRELS 50 gal eize 2 each Call Kast Longmeadow 5 4 7 OIL TANK 750 gallon caparitv with meter pump reel ft hose Reas 4 3376 A TWO rm furn apt private bath in Springfield 108 Cayenne No phone A CLEAN room for light housekeeping 68 Temple St Mrs ield 2 0331 RONT room for couple with kitchen privileges Also single room 36 John St top floor A modern furn rooms full Jkitchen privileges 236 Union St just above Maple St MAPLE ST 176 Attrac 1 nn kitchenette apt every convenience Avail Monday THOMAS ST 15 urn room light gas and hot water furn Call 2 1648 Vanted Rooms Board 73 66 A HIGHEST CASH PRICES Antiques dishes bric a brac all used fur niture rugs Clinton urniture 2 5 1 2 A BETTER PRICE OR ALL KINDS USED URNITURE STOVES WE BUY EVERYTHING ESSEN URN 3 7473 Laporte Aulo School 80 Broadway 3 1111 Driving Course school Eat IMO airbanks Auto School 41 New Dwight Driving Iona We call for yon Course10 orest Jrk Auto School TeL 6 7400 MhceJlanpo ns McDonough coal co 1597 Moin SL Tel 32294 ROOER'S helpers wanted Apply 2 Birnie Ave 730 a 75c hour time ft for overtime ORDERCOOK day work Mutual Diner 14 36 State St TAILOR and presser wanted Steady good pay State Cleaners 128 State st goo dpay? BOX 665 UNION I GAI GE makers and lathe hands wanted Will pay top wares to men who qualify Day shift excellent working conditions Ask for Matt Burger Tool Co Inc 64 Roanoke Ave West Springfield A UGE ft IXTURE MEN for day or night shift Tnp pay bonus City Tool ft Die Co 4 4 Taylor St GAUGE A RS ft Tool Makers Top pay to top men Varsity Mfg Co 133 Union St or call 4 8720 GRIDDLE MAN Countermen room ft board rood pay Cafe Midway opp A eatinghnuge HANDY3 MAN (white) 5 to 56 part or full time $8 a day Mrs ield 68 Tern WORTHINGTON ST or rent 80x100 Also at 59 ort St 2d fl Tel 4 7388 5000 LOOR space storage or light manu facturing frei ght elevator 32 Patton St 77 BELLEVUE AVE Beautiful brick Colonial 10 rms 3 baths study 2 firepl rec rm Immed occupancy 3125 mo 4 7083 Scott Stearns Realtor 4 7083 ENIELD ST Enfield Conn BeaiTtiful colonial house recently remodeled fine grounds perfect condition Inq KEMPTON 33 Elm St 3 6838 PURITAN CIRCLE (SIXTEEN ACRES) Beautiful 6 room cottage with attached garage A well planned house of the finest construction nice grounds Residence con sists of living room dining room kitchen ft laundry enclosed porch on first floor 3 bedrooms bath and storage room on second floor Rathxkiller In basem*nt Con venient to bus line and grade school In spection by appointment Write to Box SOf'Z Union Office HUNTING DOGS ancy bantams and Pigeops Wall Box 84 West Holyoke Mass TeL Holyoke 2 7105 IRISH SETTER Young registered pedi ed dog Dr Hussa orthington PUPPIES cheap McNamara 987 Main St Agawam RABBIT HOUNDS Prices reasonable Georgy Whitman Southwick TeL 5 21 AX ILL A whole litter of cheap pups Any breed Also birds and rabbits of emntv cases nr full iskw or second hand rifle Spfld 306 Box 12a Union Office OLD COIN AND STAMPS ree appraisals Call or write Tatham Stamp ft Coin Co 85 Oakland St WANTED TO BUY bench or table rip saw A II Hatch Granby Mass TeL 9 24 NORTH BROOKIELD Gilbert Street Colonial house 14 rooms two path rooms lawatory hardwood floors two car garage heated washroom 1U acres Bur service Walking distance t)schools John A White Tel 2389 38 AORES LAND brick bldg wit 43000 ft of floor spare for sale for 35000 to settle estate Write tn John Dorman TeL Northampton 216 ntweea 1 and 6 pm Birth Certificate nr Citizenship Papers required (or identification ASST COOK or work under supervision In Institutional kitchen Box 935 Union BELL BOYS (men or Apply Su perintendent of Service Sheraton Hotel BOOKKEEPER wanted State experience and salary expected Box 116 Union Off BOY 16 17 white or colored to learp good trade in dry cleaning establishment 318 to start Apply Mirkins 2869 Main St OR ELDERLY MAN on dairy farms TeL Westfield Mass 1566 With bicycle to help janitor after school Box 107 Union Office BUTCHERS and packers Coal passers and general help at 70c per hour Apply Handy Co Plainfield St Spfld CLERK wanted to work in package store steady work one evening off a week hours 1 to 11 Benton Park LOANS ON YOUR SIGNATURE PERSONAL INANCE CO 1618 Main Room 209 Bowks Bldg License 73 Tel 4 1191 LOANS ON YOUR NAME ONLY PUBLIC LOAN CORP 3d National Bank Bldg 3 6607 Hr 163 PERSONAL LOAN'S $100 TO $1000 You will like doing business with SPRINGIELD NATIONAL BANK Main am i i or Branches 40 GIRL for light work in shipping dept Call Monday Springfield Newa Co 101 Taylor GIRL for gerral housework home nights Call between 8 and I a or 5 end 7 3 678 Experienced on sewing machines Klnsler Co 317 Dw ght gu COMPETENT WOMAN for housework ex perience references aHo woman fnr ceaniar and some washing Call Mr A Hovey 34 Union Tel 3 9283 DIHWASHER WANTED APPLY 232 BELMONT AVE ELDERLY woman wanted to run kitehen at the Liberty Cafe TeL 4 9878 EXPERIENCED shirt operators for double needle arm machine War work Mosquito bar RHs Undergar ment Co 145 ront St Chicopee ATTRACTIVE rooms single or double all conv Gents pref 75 Avon Place 6 0439 ATTRACTIVE Single room in private fam ily Bus line Belmont Ave 6 1173 A CLEAN room very central '68 Temple St Mrs ield 2 0331 A DOWNTOWN rm next bath 2 closet's twin beds new innerspring mat 2 9891' AMHERST ST Room for gent on 2 bus line Near Armory Private family 75 ft CATHARINE STS Stores to rent at low rentals Tel 4 7388 DWIGHT ST IV Desirable store 12x35 (Rent 320) Call 6 8381 IIANCOCir ST Heated store 12x24 Rent 335 TeL 6 8381 Cameras and Equipment 51 A A CLEARANCE SALE on flash guns Kalart Mendelsolm Abbey etc Terms fttrades United Iuggage Camera Shop 1688 Main St opp Lyman St 34 CHE for defense workers good pay for party The Midway opp West I nghousc CYLINDRICAL GRINDER operators or 3 to 11 shut and 11 to 7 shift Apply Consolidated Engineers Inc 56 Alain St EXPERIENCED bookkeeper stenographer Steady workGood pay Box 982 Union EXPERIENCED drug clerk who wishes a better portion LiggetVa 1411 Main St DISHWASHER wanted man or worn also sec cook Arbor Cafe 73 Worthington GIRL OR work on soda foun tain 322 per week or over with meals Hours 11 to 7 and 10 to 6 No night or Sunday work Apply 1478 Main St JOB PRESS EEDING and label coniposi tlon Powers Paper Wason Ave MARRIED couple as club caretakers Ex perienced in restaurant work References preferred Write 998 Union office for de CARPEMT3R work of all kinds 1st class insured men TeL 3 97S9 DRIVER Garage 'attendant Best refs Box 101 Union Office DRIVER with pwn ton rncl delivery Part time or full Tel 4 5350 ELECTRICIAN wants house wiring or fix ture repairing part or full time 4 1942 POSITION as assistant comptroller or sen ior accountant is desired by industrial accountant with 13 experience embracing general accounting costs budgetary control taxes and war con tract accounting procedure Age 34 Mar ried with children Minimum salary de pendent upon opportunity offered 84800 per annum Box 111 Union Office YOUNG MaN 18 license desires part time work 11 a 4 pm Box 1 02 Uninn YOUNG man wants typing and office work evenings and Saturdays Tel 2 5823 Kelt I Estate for Sale a goodTncome roducer Central Apartment Hartford Cenn If yew have urplu fund 1e Inveit this nxrt ment preperty we ere new effenns Is worthy of your const oerauen ana win provioe ynu pond living Building contains S7 waits eoal fired boilers eliminates heating Equipped with electric refrigerators eat Ininriinr MuHerai rntnls Consider the importance of Real Estate a In vestment now Address lox 2097 Union Office Houses for Sale urnished Apts and Houses 74t ATTRACTIVE 3 room heated furnished apartment In colonial home All electric kitchen Continuous hot water Parking space Ideal for business couple Box 106 Union Office STOCKBRIDGE 2 rms light housekeeping or bedrooms board furn or details write Ijox 552 Stockbridge 3 ROOM Jurn apt heat light ft gas priv ent Adults only 6 4971 A ALL HIGH TRICES PAID OR URNITURE RUGS AN TIQUES ECONOMf URN CO 2 0145 ANTIQUES and modern furniture glass china object of art TeL 2 6146 CAMERAS WANTED Also photographic equipment etc Will pay cash United Luggage ft Camera Shop 1688 Main St opp Lyman St use HIGHEST price paid for cows calves hogs ft poultry Maspo 6 784S Agawam 1 ALE One black work horse 340 £ine saddle horses one extra good comb horse Goodyear Sunderland Mass COAL MATTRESSES mm Tel 3313 MATTRESS Buy AythlR Cameras Binoculars Shotguns Machinists1 Tools and Jewelry PEOPLE'S LOAN 1873 MAIN IfAAMQ ort CASH OIAMUMIH WATCHES JEWEIRI Sl'RINGIELD JWELRI LOAN CO Et IRIS Main St Bowlee Bid Old Coins Stamps Wanted Slamp 4 Coin Co Oakland St iS HAMPDEN WOOLEN CO 42 Harriton Ave 3 1674 DIIPO 9x12 Tapestry Lust Cleaned and iUIQ Steam Sterilized 8150 Crescent r'ornat Clfl CS dn'kl fJuMed Shampooed Repaired STEAM CARPET CO 501 St James Ae 2 MUl Machinery and Tools OR SALE 14x6 and 13x8 metal turning lathe Steady rest and chuck Mc Donald 16 Quirk Ave Holyoke LATHES Milling machines punch press es turret lathes metal equipment wood working machinery motors belting small tool? KOGAN PRECISION LATHES Springfield Auction Co 769 Dwight 4 9 6 SMALL caterpillar tractor perfect shape has power take off and Walsh mow Plow Call 2 6594 TAXIED A five or six horsepower gaso line motor Tel No Wilbraham 161 13 85 BIG LOTS with trees at "16 Acrea" Cash nr tennis Thyberg 4 4180 Suburban for Sale 87 9 Harding St (off spfld St) 6 rni cott like new gar large lot 44501) 3 9283 AGAWAM 124 School St 6 rm all modern bungalow steam heat I acres land Ready to occupy Nov OR SALE 1 A 2 family homes modern conveniences 6 miles west of Springfield Write PO Box 352 Springfield Mats Monses for Sale T1 A 1 T7 'j" Garfield St loTm single remodeled and In A condition on Villi Ml for SSsOO io down Balan? monthly A Taylor Co SniS 6 rms sun uioo: i ini' firerL Ear Vaat) 4 rm bungalow built months modern kitchen automatic heat 1 car gar paved street Owner 6 7333 rlE1 at Dayon St nett 6 rm lenno built home insulated steam eV r' renno tJl riumtree Rd bl 4 RANNET ST 86 14 rm duplex 2 fam 'acont Automatic heat Garage S57OO A Taylor Co 3 9818 or 6 1381 BLUE CROSS Small black and white female dog under 1 yr 4 6787 CHOICE Champion bred beagle pups also trained hounds 40 Grant Norths tnpton co*ckER SPANIELS large assortmentbeautiful pups All colors sizes and prices 38 Whittier St co*ckERS co*ckERS co*ckERS PEDS BLACKS BUS PARTI COLOR TEL 6 3078 59 JUDSON ST OR SALS 2 nice alredale puppies In quire 33 Water St Leeds Head man for crown bridge and east department Good salary state xperlance ALBANY DENTAL LABORATORIES INC 11 Steuben Street Albany New York COOK TO take charge of Instltlonal kitchen Box 994 Union Office DOOR MAN between 16 and 60 years Steady work Majestic Theater Weat EITHER Colored or white clean officer and do work In modern plant Adequate rj Mun oe nonest or and a citizen run directly to plant but car would be desirable Apply Precision E4gineerlnCorporation North Ntreet 1lng Hille DISHWASHER WANTED Apply 2652 aaittin Ola DISHWASHER MAIN ST DUE to the expansion caa use 3 tool makera Barrat Gage Co 135 Union St EXP abort order cook at once good pay ELDERLY MAN or woman to operate boarding hduae and other duties on poultry farm Post Office Box 352 EXPERIENCED oil burner service man all makes Good hours good pay Steadyg Crown Petroleum Corp Tel 7 2641 EXPERIENCED garage man Also part time man Apply Blue Ribbon Gawge 18 Liberty St EXPERIENCED truck mechanic Mack Motor Truck Co 18 Osborne Ter MANThorouRhly familiar with manuf cost accounting preferrably one who Is draft exempt Apply Holt airchfld Co Yvonne Street WilHmaneatt Mass About 45 to 50 to work inside ft outside grocery store box 399 Union Uxp in servicing bottlM gas instil lations good pay steady work Write Box 2111 Union Office MAN WANTED for inside work In ice cream dairy plant Day work Steadv employment Hood ft Sons 302 Ixcust St MECHANIC AND GREASER WANTED REIGHT SYSTEMMemorial Ave West Springfield PLEASANT AVE ront room 4 windows adj bath sop ent 3 4204 OUR attractive bedrooms private show er private entrance gents 2 3639 INDIAN ORCHARD Clean comfortable rm in private family TeL 8487 LARGE furnished room Hili Section Call 2 4925 LOCUST ST 29 Large front near bath for 1 or 2 new furniture MAPLE ST 133 Double rm next to bath bus people Re Mrs Anderson MAPLE ST 192 Beautiful front rm priv fam All conveniences shwr Gentlemen MAPLE ST 26 Vacancy for a ref Gent flvml vjui jiuu wMit i neaitr OAK GROVE AVE rm mod In ymaie ianiu xej ti im RES HILL SEC room with private bath garage for gentleman with highest references only Box 918 Union Of i ROOM 7 min to either Armory Call aft er 530 indsay 12 Walnut Court STATE ST 788 Attractive rms desirable locations Reasonable Calh 7 0277 SUMNER AVE near the Large front room for gent Tel 2 2524 WEST SPLD 59 Lathrop St Attractive room suitable for 2 Gentlemen only 4 5110 39 ABANDON MONEY problems Loans 520 to 81000 Household inance Corp Li epnse 139 Tel 6 0351 ABANDON ALL BILLS irst Personal Bankers Inc Court 21 Elm St License 222 Tel 24158 AUTO LOANS New low rates signature only Springfield inance Co Inc 3 490 Main St Licence 77 4 3193 LOANS fnr Taxes uel Old Bills Etc NEW METHOD INANCE CORP 1562 Main St License 60 Tel 4 2127 LOANS UP TO $300 Signature only Prompt service Guaranty Loan lan 1537 Main St Ticense 212 Tel 2 7250 OR 2 family house garage near school stores steam heat new ly painted $4000 81375 Call 2 9544 UTURE ft workers Modern welL huilt 5 rm hom*o In Somers Conn Longmeadow Somers State Line Redecorated in and out Price 15000 Tel Holyoke 8 336 or Page 356 Bay St Springfield Mm HARTORD TER 6 rm single 2 car garage $6500 James Sheehan Real tor 1653 Main St Tel 4 820 9 LIBERTY ST 6 rm bunga low stm fireplace 54300 Vacant A Taylor Co 3 981S or 6 A lib Colony Hills ine residence 8 rms and 3 baths perfect condition Inside and out 317500" Ellington Brick 9 rooms and 3 hatha oil 313500 Brand new colonial 7 rooms and 2 baths near school 31 3 5uo SPRINGIELD Abbott just off bus line convenient to new Pratt Whitney plant 6 rooms fine grounds excellent condition 37500 Also new 7 ooms recreation room Mont attractive $8400 Mulberry Double house 22 rooms suitable for rooming house $7900 Inq KEM PTON 33 Elm St 36838 LONGMEADOW 134 Barrinton Rd (Nr state line) single rms mod atm gar Good co nd 41 Oft terms Cal! 6 8381 LONGMEADOW 5 rm single brand new oil or coal fireplace today $7000 King Real Estate 3 S488 LONGMEADOW Ellington St 6 rm Colonial 2 baths rm 2 car gar $12500 US OR TRUE RED A VOGEL Realtor 3 262 Main WANTED Man or woman to trim win dows Steady position good salary Kresge Co Main Bridge St Situations Wanted emale 3i BOOKKEEPER Exp capable of taking full charge Phone 3 1785 BOOKKEEPER Exp gen office worker desires position Box 403 Spfld WANTED position as housekeeper by mid dle aged American woman Capable ft reliable Box 991 Union Office WANTED position as full time laundress in school hospital or private home by experienced woman Box 100 Union WILL tare for children by hour or day while mother works 409 Oakland 2d floor 65 DAIRY COWS 6ft CANADIAN AND VERMONT At Auction Tuesday Ort 20 at 1 At Max Case and Son arm 3235 Alain St Hartford Conn 6 heads of big top enws all colors Hol steins Guerneys Ayrshires ew Jerseys new milkers and by springers WITTER BRO Auctioneers CLARK JEWEL gas range Excel cond Tel 3 8018 ENAMEL range elec ft coal comb like new 947 Chestnut Rt 3 2329 OR SALE Cherry tables and bureaus also second hand furniture home Sun day Charles Robbins Stewart Ave onson HOOVER elec cleaners for sale or trade several new used models Tel 2 0073 KITCHEN table and chairs Chest of draw rs brass bed Tel 6 3438 Large Selection of Kitchen Sets TAKEN IN TRADE ft LOOR SAMPLES SALE PRICE $1295 Easy Terms ree Delivery AREHOUSE OUTLET 1095 Main St 2 Blocks Below State St PARLOR HEATERS kitchen coal or oil all kinds sizes (recondi tioned) Come in and look them over Essex urniture Co 2077 Main St RUGS Roxbury and all good makes Harold Moore 555 Enfield St Thompsonville 4396 Open evenings RUGS also a full line of Congoloums mats etc Main Rug Co 929 Main St Spfld 4 8086 Open eve nlngs ormerly Orchard Rug Co RUGS 100 wool: large stock HUNT ft SHEA 810 Enfield St Thompsonville 4J7L Open 9 Bus stops at door RUGS 100 wool large stock American Orientals Wiltons Axm White Rug Co 1123 State St Open eves 2 8058 VACUUM CLEANER like new Attach inents Cost $67 Sell $23 4 S902 WING CHAIRS (new) $3295: atudiola sofas (new) $49 5ft up new balloon chairs $2275 Springfield Upholstery and Awning Co 33 37 Dwight St near State Help Wanted Male LfcLIABLE 51 EN wanted for bakery work Experience not necessary We will train you Apply office Bond Bakers 117 65 A Genuine Hudson Seal Jacket new lin ing $50 Box 122 Union Office 4g I fall ft winter coats $8 up ur up Jiresses $150 up ur jackets $18 up Suits $5 up Shoes 75c up Gowns wraps $3 up urs to match for repairs trims etc Brinx sample 38 New Dwight St SUITS ft OVERCOATS $8 $10 UD TOPCOATS 9 1 1 3 $1 5 1 7 Sport Coats Jackets I 4 up MacKinaws $5 up Suits Overcoats $4 up Open evenings SCHA 42 New Dwight Near State St VACANT NOV 1ST Cherry St 2 family 5 5 gar 7 larva low taxes Suitable fnr landscape par dener etc Special $3950 4 1918 26234 vacant 50 Cornell St 12 rms newly redec ft: out 3 fireplaces 2 baths parquet floors new heating plant large lot Could easily be converted into a two family Can purchased for a fraction of its valwe Price $5200 Tri 2 52J4 VAN NESS AVE 25 Two family Il rooms modern steam heat Price 94 200 John ish 3 4848 $1600 PRICE 3 rm Bungalow city water alec bath garage $800 down 3 4872 PLUMTREE 4 and 5 rms Gilbert Barker oil heat with con version boiler HA financed new sani tary sewer A Cuzzonne builder andjwner 28J Gillette Ave 3 7232 PAGE BLVD 448 6 rm single a real bargain be quick and call Mm elt ham 3 864L PARK Single 7 rms large living room 4 bedrooms steam garage $6000 Can occupy Wilcox 21 College 2 4821 4 BIRNIE AVE 58 60 10 room 2 family steam heat 2 car car Price $3200 $500 cash $3360 to cover in terest amortization ft taxes A REAL SPLD IVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK 1319 Main St Tel T451 BILTMORE ST 37 14 rm duplex $5100 Easy terms A Taylor Co 3 9818 or 1381 CENTRAL ST 2 fam 6 6 5 centrally lo cated very good condition WINDSOR ST 2 fam 7 7 needs minor repairs price attractive HICKORY 3 fara excellent investment very good condition MA1X ST SPLD 3 fam large sized house owner can live free besides paying off Investment PIPER ROAD 2 fam excellent condition large lot qOTARQ ql 4 8115 COZIEST home in city handy Long 5 rms gar 4 lots pool shade fruit 3390U $1000 down Box 119 Union Off AUDUBON ST off White brand new rm air condition insulated home fire place 1st floor lavatory large lot all betterments quality built reasonably priced er 2 9338 DARTMOUTH ST 102 Bargain desirable single houtse ready for occupancy Nov 1 Seth IT Barlow 1G3 Spring St 610S DREXEL SY' Single 6 rooms steam heat good cond 2 car garage $4200 Terms Call 6 8381 DUPLEX Modern excellent condi tion 2 car gar Hill Sect Must sell at once James Sheehan Realtor 1653 Main St 4 8209 A NICE room for defense worker Near Chestnut St bus Woman or girl 4 2940 AN UNUSUAL living bedroom in maple Innerspring mattress blinds 52 High St ATTRAC sunny rm shower gar bus or prof gentleman 567 Sumner Ave 4 5740 ATTRAC front room single or twin beds radio shower centrally located 2 3895 ATTRACTIVE bedroom living room priv bath sep ent Gent 85 Belmont Ave Bridge and Broadway BRIDGWAY HOTEL Special Permanent Rates Single $9 Up Weekly Double 314 Up Weekly Daily $2 Up 6 8341 GIRL OR woman for heusrHeaning nne day a week H7 Leyfred Ter 6 5977 Experienced in eoda fountain and tea room service for or part time wnrk ft Lercbe Inc 1305 Mam St GIRLS for mock room work Reliable food produ concern Tel 2 1712 ft GIRL 'or candy counter part time Apply aDor 3 Poll GIRLS Experience not neces ary high wages excellent work ennd Ap New England Jaundries 870 State HAIRDRESSER Experienced wanted Ap ply in person Beauty Shop 1383 Main Johnson Bookstore Bld HOSTESS fnr large restaurant Call Way de 2 7478 for appointment INTELLIGENT girl for typing and clerical work tn accounting dept Good hours ft positUn Apply giving age experience 103 Union Office JDDLEAGED Housekeeper wanted Tel 6 1201 WlLLLNERY salesgirls wanted for full and part time powltinna Apply Millinery Mart 3 Harrison Ave YKEEE EMP Service 31 Elm St edi phone operators stenographers book Ifli keepers comptometer operators ft ft ft yTKARNg i 0 i A XTwanta si'' ft vA'0' 1 REAL ESTATE OR RENT Houses for Rent 77 SNAPES ST or 5 rms furnished Adults Terral 1 ft YerralL 4 Vernon 2 9714 EST PLD Low priced tenement made from store 1 fare Apply 27 An drew st Springfield Offices and Desk Room 78 fireproof $12 $15 to 825 Elevator janitor service Excellent for fliKtors or insurance 175 State St 3 081 5 st Office epace entire floor for rent Approx 1000 eq ft Phone 4 5611 Steiger Realty Co STATE ST 115 Cor Main modern of fice rooms electrlcitv furnished Eleva tor $12 up Tel 4 7388 Wanted To Kent 81 RESPONSIBLE party Completely fur nished home select neighborhood 6 or 7 rooms Tel 4 3141 Suite 324 THREE room furnished or unfurnished apartment Call 7 3364 3 ROOM turn or unfurn apt young couple no children Call 6 0542 REAL ESTATE ORSALE Real Estate Agents 2B MURPHY EDWARD CO EST 1SS2 Sales mortsrasres property management easing appraising insurance consultants in buying and selling 1537 Main 3 3147 arms and Land for Sale 83 PALMER SS acre Tvoodlot 1200 cord zonooo timber SSOO 54 tRsh Balance non annually John Moore West Brook field I ACU diamonds OLD GOLD SILVER PLATINUM.

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Views: 6549

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (62 voted)

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.