Silent Hill: Ascension Hidden Achievements (2025)

1. Silent Hill: Origins Secrets and Unlockables

  • These are the Secrets and Unlockables in Silent Hill: Origins. Secrets Unlockables Accolades Accolades are rewards given to the player when finishing the game.

  • These are the Secrets and Unlockables in Silent Hill: Origins. In the beginning of the game, a billboard advertising Hemingway cigarettes can be seen. These cigarettes reappear as a memento in Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. Konami Burger from the first game reappears. On top of the Post Office, there is a cocoon sack, foreshadowing the battle that will occur with the Floatstinger 7 years later. Riverside Motel's "Game Room" has a pinball machine with the hard rock band "Kiss" on it. Accolades

2. Trophies & Achievements - Silent Hill 2 Remake Guide - IGN

  • Bevat niet: Ascension | Resultaten tonen met:Ascension

  • This Silent Hill 2 Remake Trophies & Achievements Guide explains how to get all of the trophies (PlayStation 5) or achievements (Steam) in the game, with

3. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories Secrets and Unlockables

4. All Achievements and Trophy Guide | Silent Hill 2 Remake - Game8

  • Bevat niet: Ascension | Resultaten tonen met:Ascension

  • Here is an achievements and trophy guide for the Silent Hill 2 Remake. See a list of all gold, silver, bronze, and hidden trophies, as well as how to get the You Made Me Happy platinum trophy in this guide!

5. Silent Hill 2 Remake Leak Reveals There's 12 Achievements - Gameranx

6. Guide for Silent Hill HD Collection - Silent Hill 2 - TrueAchievements

  • Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single ...

  • Page 3 of the full game walkthrough for Silent Hill HD Collection. This guide will show you how to earn all of the achievements.

7. Secret 6 - Congrats to SILENT HILL: Ascension for... - Facebook

  • Congrats to SILENT HILL: Ascension for winning a Webby and People's Voice Award for Best Feature in AI, Metaverse & Virtual Experiences! ⭐ This award...

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

8. Silent Hill 2 Remake teases an exceptionally short PS5 trophy list

  • 10 okt 2023 · Interestingly, when we look at Silent Hill 2, we can see that there will be 12 achievements (trophies) attached to the game when it releases.

  • A Silent Hill 2 Remake trophy list tease has us wondering if we can expect a short and simple platinum venture when the game releases on PS5!

9. Silent Hill 2 Remake: Full Achievement and Trophy List

  • Bevat niet: Ascension | Resultaten tonen met:Ascension

  • This article provides players with a fully comprehensive list of all of the Achievements and Trophies in Silent Hill 2 Remake.

Silent Hill: Ascension Hidden Achievements (2025)
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